How to make handwriting beautiful

How to make handwriting beautiful
How to make handwriting beautiful

Video: How To Improve your Handwriting? | 9 Tips for Nice Handwriting | LetsTute 2024, July

Video: How To Improve your Handwriting? | 9 Tips for Nice Handwriting | LetsTute 2024, July

Despite the fact that people are increasingly typing on a computer and less often writing by hand, beautiful handwriting has not yet lost its value. An exquisitely signed postcard, a wedding invitation, a congratulation to receive is much nicer than the printed text. In addition, beautiful handwriting is an occasion for pride.

Instruction manual


Choose the pen that you are comfortable holding in your hand. Try first, holding a pen in your fingers, write large sweeping letters in the air, as if you were drawing on a blackboard. Thanks to this exercise, the movements of your hands will become clearer and more confident, and the letters will become more even.


Try several different spellings and choose the one that suits you the most. Pay attention to how other people write. Take a look at the handwriting samples of famous writers, poets, philosophers, determine the characteristic outlines of letters, curls, etc. Handwriting often depends on the character of a person and can tell a lot about him. Find your personalized writing style and use it.


Try writing on lined paper. Thanks to this, the lines will become smooth and will not jump up and down. After practicing, write a few sentences on a clean, not-lined sheet, and then draw it out and see if the lines are slipping or if the distance between them is changing in different parts of the text. Practice until you succeed and learn to write equally smoothly on both lined and plain paper.


Learn to write the sentence "Eat these soft French rolls and drink some tea." The secret of this proposal is that it contains all the letters of the Russian alphabet. In addition, it is an excellent alternative to the traditional school writing of all the letters of the alphabet separately. Write both lowercase and uppercase letters, practice, pay attention to the connection of letters. If you want to learn how to write beautifully in English, practice writing the sentence "the quick brown fox jumpes over the lazy dog".


Train as often as possible. Keep a diary, write down important thoughts in a special notebook, take notes in a diary. Keep track of your handwriting and constantly improve it.