How to develop the right brain

How to develop the right brain
How to develop the right brain

Video: Are you Left Brain? Get more creative with this Right Brain Workout. Improve your memory. 2024, July

Video: Are you Left Brain? Get more creative with this Right Brain Workout. Improve your memory. 2024, July

Modern ideas about the localization of brain functions indicate that the "responsibilities" of the right and left hemispheres are quite clearly delineated. Are there ways to use this distinction to increase personal effectiveness, for example, to solve creative problems?

Instruction manual


It is generally accepted that the left half of the brain is responsible for the operation of logic circuits. Language abilities, mathematics, analysis and isolation of parts of the whole, time tracking - all this is the prerogative of the left hemisphere.


Having figured out the purpose of the left hemisphere, scientists for a long time lost their guesses: what did the right hemisphere get, what is it responsible for? The answer was not immediately found. Experiments have shown that the right hemisphere manages a holistic perception of reality, visual-figurative thinking, perception of music, artistic images, etc. This, one might say, is the intuitive block of our brain “computer”.


It is possible and necessary to develop abilities for which the right hemisphere of the brain is responsible. This helps to foster a holistic view of reality, strengthens the intuitive comprehension of the world, and develops a creative imagination.


Generally speaking, the work of the right-hemisphere parts of the brain is enhanced when we listen to musical works, indulge in dreams, meditate in solitude, engage in drawing, and any other types of creative activity associated with operating with holistic images.


The natural path of development of the right side of the brain includes active participation in those types of social activity that involve the functions inherent in this mental block. Writing poems, literary work, even in such simple forms as keeping a personal diary, blog; singing, dance club, drawing training - all types of such right-hemisphere activities cannot be listed.


There are also special techniques for stimulating the work of the intuitive block of the brain. They are based on the idea of ​​a person’s ability to controlled imagination. For this, privacy, a calm environment, music for relaxation, and the absence of distracting noise interference are used.


Plunging into a relaxed state, you can mentally draw pictures that reflect your positive intentions or the state that you intend to achieve. A session of this kind can last from a few minutes to an hour. Its result is the intensification of the work of the right hemisphere of the brain, up to the receipt of intuitive answers to some questions regarding seemingly insoluble life situations.


Be patient, tune into a creative mood, believe in your abilities, and the result will not be long in coming.

Useful advice

Additional sources:

"How to get everything you want, doing virtually nothing or Heavenly 911, " Robert Stone, 2008.

"Development of the right hemisphere", Marily Zdenek, 2004.

  • Logic or intuition? Why develop the right hemisphere
  • right side of the brain