How to increase erudition

How to increase erudition
How to increase erudition

Video: Erudite Magic: Books vs. Other Learning Methods 2024, July

Video: Erudite Magic: Books vs. Other Learning Methods 2024, July

The word erudition is of Latin origin and means deep comprehensive knowledge, wide awareness. The concept of erudition is often confused with education, although these words are not synonymous. An erudite person is always educated, but not every educated person can boast of his erudition. Scrabble never rests on what has been achieved and draws knowledge not from training courses, but from direct sources. Many of us would like to shine in front of others with our erudition, but how to increase it?

Instruction manual


It is impossible to become an erudite person solely for show. In order to become a scholar, you need to show sincere interest in various issues. To expand their horizons, scholars primarily turn to books. It is books that are the storehouse of the wisdom of all mankind. However, it is not necessary to say that books are different for books, and garbage tabloids or cheap detectives will not give you much food for thought. If you really want to increase your erudition, then you need to turn to more serious literature. Read Russian and foreign classics, scientific research and monographs, autobiographies of interesting people.


A very important point is how exactly you will read books. Improving your erudition will depend not on the number of volumes read, but on the quality of your reading. Read more thoughtfully, rethink what the author has said. If you are interested in any quote, then do not be too lazy to write it out for the future. Over time, you will notice how your horizons develop, new topics for conversation appear, and your vocabulary expands.


Another modern way to increase erudition is cinema. Of course, not every cinema production product can enhance your intelligence. Nowadays, a huge number of high-quality documentaries are shot about nature, physical phenomena, historical events, interesting personalities and more. Regular viewing of such programs will be beneficial for your horizons. From the field of feature films, you can turn to art house works. Good art house cinema is filled with worthwhile quotes, and philosophical overtones will prompt you to think.


Your erudition also largely depends on those people with whom you communicate. The social circle leaves a huge imprint on our interests, way of thinking and even vocabulary. Try to surround yourself with smart people with whom you can talk on various topics. Reach for erudite people, and gradually your own level will begin to rise.

what books you need to read to be erudite