How to enter a military educational institution

How to enter a military educational institution
How to enter a military educational institution

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Video: When veterans enroll at elite schools, they’re not just students 2024, July

Military academies include military academies, higher and secondary military schools, military institutes, faculties and military departments in civilian universities, as well as training and retraining courses for officers. Their activities are aimed at training engineering, technical, special personnel of the Armed Forces of Russia, command personnel.

Instruction manual


For admission to military schools, you must submit documents and pass the entrance tests: medical examination, verification of military professional orientation, physical fitness and general education.


Candidates for training at a military educational institution may be: persons from 17 to 21 years old with completed secondary education; Persons under 23 years of age who are or have already completed military service; persons aged 11, 15 and 16 years for admission to the Suvorov cadet corps.


If you have expressed a desire to study at a military educational institution, you must bring the application to the district (city) military commissariat at the place of residence or to the head of the military educational institution. The application shall indicate the name, date of birth, address of place of residence, as well as the name of the educational institution, specialty and specialization.


In addition to the passport, you must provide the following documents: a copy of the birth certificate; copy of identity document; copy of the document on secondary education; students provide a certificate of achievement; graduates of the first and subsequent courses of educational institutions provide an academic certificate; a photograph of 3x4 cm or 4.5x6 cm without a headdress with a place for a print on the bottom right.


In case you are among the applicants for preferential admission (orphans, children of military personnel), you must provide supporting documents: a certificate or extract from the personal file confirming the death of one of the parents; a certificate from the military unit on the passage of the parent of the contract service; an extract from the military unit about the dismissal of the parent for any reason, if there is a length of service; a certificate from the military unit confirming the length of service of the parent; copy of divorce certificate; certificate that the child is brought up without a father / mother. All original documents are provided upon arrival at the educational institution, but no later than two days later.


First of all, you will pass a medical examination at the place of residence, then within the walls of the educational institution. The main parameters of health are subject to verification - vision, pressure, etc. Testing of professional suitability is determined using psychological tests (most often tests), interviews, observation of the candidate, communication with his former mentors (teachers, commanders). It helps to determine whether the applicant is ready to serve in the Russian Military.


After you pass the test for professional fitness, you have to test physical fitness tests. As a rule, it is assessed by the results of a series of exercises: running 3, 000 m, pulling up on the bar, running 100 m. Some military schools also pass swimming standards.


Entrance tests to determine general education are conducted on the basis of full or secondary general education programs. Obligatory subjects are mathematics, Russian language. The remaining subjects are optional and are determined individually for each school, institute. This may be literature, a foreign language, chemistry, physics, biology, the history of Russia, etc.