How to enter a military school in 2017

How to enter a military school in 2017
How to enter a military school in 2017

Video: Suvorov Military School 360: Daily life of a Russian army cadet 2024, July

Video: Suvorov Military School 360: Daily life of a Russian army cadet 2024, July

The military school attracts many young people after school. The list of advantages of this educational institution includes free meals, accommodation and uniforms, as well as guaranteed work after graduation. However, a military school, like any other post-secondary educational institution, is taken only after entrance examinations and by competition. The number of applicants for a place depends on the popularity of the school and the number of beneficiaries. To find out if you have a chance to act, you need to follow a certain algorithm.

Instruction manual


Contact the draft board at the place of residence. If you have already graduated from school, you are entitled to an attempt to enroll. The military enlistment office will need to write a personal statement in the prescribed form.


Gather the necessary documents for the military school. Among them - a birth certificate, a certificate from a doctor about the state of health, a characteristic from the school, four photographs and so on. The exact list of required papers will be told to you at the military registration and enlistment office or admissions committee of the school where you are going to enter.


If you have benefits for admission, for example, you are an orphan, or the son of a military serviceman, then you need to attach documentary confirmation from the department of social protection of the population of your city or region, or other state institutions to the application. Then instead of entrance exams you will be assigned an interview.


After the documents are accepted, you will be assigned days to arrive at the school and pass the entrance exams. As a rule, maths, dictations, as well as physical training are handed over in military schools, but it is better to check the exact list of subjects in the selection committee.


Back Information Useful information How to enter a military school. Candidates entering the Military Institute of Physical Culture must have sports titles or sports ranks no lower than the second in one of the sports, and the Military Institute (military conductors) of the Military University must have professional skills in playing one of the instruments of a brass band.

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