How to calculate the average diploma score

How to calculate the average diploma score
How to calculate the average diploma score

Video: Calculate Your Diploma Percentage Now - Semester wise | easy method 2024, July

Video: Calculate Your Diploma Percentage Now - Semester wise | easy method 2024, July

When applying for a job or admission to graduate school, not only the educational institution in which your diploma was received, but also the grades you received during your studies often play a role. An indicator called the average score may be taken into account. The higher it is, the higher knowledge and skills gained during training, shows your diploma. How to calculate this indicator?

You will need

  • - an insert in the diploma with grades;

  • - calculator.

Instruction manual


Find a grading insert for your diploma. It is an A4 sheet that is embedded in the diploma itself, but is not attached to it. It should be entitled as "Diploma Supplement" and contain your last name, first name and patronymic name, name of the educational institution, your specialty, information about practical training, and also, on the reverse side, a list of disciplines in which tests and exams were passed with the number of hours and the final grade. Read the average score for the diploma supplement, not the gradebook. It takes into account current grades for the course, and in calculating the average score, only the final marks should be used. For example, if the course lasted two semesters, the last point received is taken for counting.


Count the number of academic disciplines for which you have exhibited not just tests, but grades. Fix the resulting number. Then separately count the number of marks "excellent", "good and" satisfactory.


Multiply the resulting number of marks by the number of points corresponding to them. For example, the number of excellent marks should be multiplied by five. Add the resulting values, and then divide them by the total number of items for which the estimates were obtained. You will get an average diploma score. Depending on the requirements of the institution, but usually with an average score of more than 4.5, you can get a recommendation for admission to graduate school.


For an honors degree - the so-called "red diploma" - an average score of 4.8 is usually sufficient. Unlike a school certificate with a gold medal, fours are allowed in the diploma, but there should not be triples in it. Also, retaking the exam may interfere with obtaining such a diploma - in some universities, retaking from the “satisfactory” mark to another will increase your average mark, but will not give the right to a diploma with honors.