How to distinguish a real diploma from a fake

How to distinguish a real diploma from a fake
How to distinguish a real diploma from a fake

Video: High School Diploma: Real Or Fake? 2024, July

Video: High School Diploma: Real Or Fake? 2024, July

Faking all kinds of documents, including diplomas, has become very popular in our time. To become a “specialist" in one day, you need a certain amount of money. It’s not even necessary to say what problems a potential employer can bring to people who have bought a diploma and have zero knowledge in their heads. How to distinguish a real diploma from a fake when applying for a job?

You will need

  • - magnifier

  • - infrared detector

  • - xerox

  • - attentiveness

Instruction manual


Take a close look at the coat of arms of Russia, pictured at the top of the right side of the diploma spread. It is performed by the Oryol printing method. Images made using the Oryol machine cannot be repeated not only by the offset method used in printing houses, but even by this machine itself, without having original forms. Moreover, only GOZNAK possesses machines for the Oryol press. So, on the original of the diploma with the help of a magnifying glass you can discern such elements as: crosses on a power and crowns; beads on the power (13 pieces); the horse’s eye on the shield and other small details. On a fake, these elements are simply blurry due to insufficient image clarity. Keep in mind: the image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation cannot be faked!


The second most important degree of protection is regional labeling. Each diploma issued is entered into the Unified State Register (accordingly, it can be checked), and a marking is applied to the diploma form itself, according to which with proper knowledge it is possible to decipher where the diploma was issued, to what type of documents it belongs and other information. The marking is located directly under the signature "Diploma" on the right side of the diploma spread.


The registration number and date of issue of the document have a direct connection with the regional marking. They are located at the bottom of the left side of the diploma spread. When faking, the numbers in the field for the registration number are random, but you can only find out what is random and what is not by contacting the university indicated in the diploma.


With a UV emitter, you can verify the authenticity of watermarks. Depending on the year of issue, the signs may look like the inscription "Russia diploma", "RF", or "RF", enclosed in a rectangle with stylized corners. A sign of authenticity is the lack of a watermark image in the light of ultraviolet rays. Why? - because the original watermarks are printed using the impression method, i.e. are the result of paper deformation. While fake watermarks are applied with transparent paint, which naturally begins to glow in UV rays.


A continuous line - a high-width protection element - is a background picture of continuous lines intersecting at different angles and changing color in random order. The continuous line is also carried out by the Oryol printing method and it is impossible to fake it. When examining a fake document through a magnifying glass, you can see that the lines are continuous, but monochrome (i.e. of the same color), or change color, but break off (look like a bitmap image - with separate dots).


You can also try to make a photocopy of the diploma spread. A sign of authenticity is the presence of a copy of the corresponding inscription on the copy copyspace: "copy". When fake low quality this element of protection is absent. The method of manufacturing this security element is simple - the inscription on the document is applied with invisible paint, which manifests itself under the influence of elevated temperature - therefore it is easy to fake.


Another low-level security feature is silk threads interspersed in the document. The threads are saturated with a special solution, which begins to shine brightly in ultraviolet radiation. As in the previous case, this protection method is not technologically complicated, therefore it is absent only in low-quality fakes. There are security features such as a micro font and a color transition - now they are also fairly easy to fake, so you cannot rely on their presence as a sign of true authenticity.