How to make a link to an Internet source

How to make a link to an Internet source
How to make a link to an Internet source

Video: Querying Web Page Source Code and Extracting Data from a Site (Part 4 of 4) 2024, July

Video: Querying Web Page Source Code and Extracting Data from a Site (Part 4 of 4) 2024, July

So, you write a term paper, diploma, dissertation, scientific article

Of course, there is no time to reach the library. And why go there if the Internet is at hand? And there are hundreds of electronic libraries, sites and portals where you can find and download the necessary information. Using Internet sources is completely legal in modern science. And even there are rules for their design prescribed in state standards.

You will need

GOST R 7.0.5-2008

Instruction manual


Decide what type of links you need: in-text (embedded in the sentence itself), subscript (indicated at the bottom of the page) or subtext (listed in the list of references at the end of your work). In-text links are not used as often as they clutter up the body of the text. Here is an example of such a link to a website: (RelevantMedia: [site]. URL: However, in most cases, it is required to draw up textual links to electronic resources - they will be discussed.


Indicate the name and initials of the author of the work (if there are no more than three, then separated by commas). For example: Ivanov A.A., Petrov B.B. If there are four or more authors, then in this case the description of the document should begin with a title, and the authors will go after it through a slash.


After the initials of the author, you need to give the title, i.e. full title of the book or article.

For example: Ivanov A.A., Petrov B.B. How to make money on text exchanges.

If you are dealing with a collection of works or a collective monograph, indicate only the name of the collection and its editor, or the first author (the first three are possible).

For example: How to make money on text exchanges: Sat. Art. / Ed. A.A. Ivanova. Or: How to make money on text exchanges / Ivanov AA, Petrov BB, Sidorov VV [and etc.].


Next, indicate the place of publication (city), the publisher, the date of publication of the work and its volume in pages (if it is known and it is recommended that you indicate it). Whether to put a dash before the place of publication and the number of pages is rather a matter of taste for the author of the work or educational / scientific institution.

For example: Ivanov A.A., Petrov B.B. How to make money on text exchanges. - Bobruisk: Light of Reason, 2011.-- 66 p.


Actually, now the specific design of the Internet source begins. We print without fail: [Electronic resource]. Then we indicate the URL (the address of the page on the Internet) and in parentheses is the date of contact. Instead of the URL, you can write "Access Mode".

For example: Ivanov A.A., Petrov B.B. How to make money on text exchanges. - Bobruisk: Light of Reason, 2011.-- 66 p. [Electronic resource]. URL: (accessed: 10/20/2011).

If this is an article in the online magazine, you can format it like this:

Ivanov A.A., Petrov B.B. How to make money on text exchanges // Copywriting issues: network journal. 2011. URL: http: //www.copywriting questions / article / copywriting-21.pdf? P = 122 (accessed: 10/20/2011)


Include the internet source described by you in the general list of references in alphabetical order or in citation order. If you referred in the text of the work not to specific books and articles, but to sites and portals, you may have to include them not in the general list of used literature, but in a separate list of Internet resources.


The design of links to Internet sources is not very detailed in state standards. In addition, GOSTs do not directly regulate the writing of term papers and dissertations or scientific articles and dissertations. Therefore, it would be most reasonable to find out what are the requirements for the design of Internet sources in your university or journal where you are going to publish an article.

Useful advice

If you find on the Internet the text of a book or article that displays the pagination inherent in the original, you can not format it as an electronic resource. Indeed, in this case there is no fundamental difference between the printed and digital versions of the book. Make this document as a regular link to a text source according to the rules of GOST 7.1-2003 or GOST R 7.0.5-2008.

how to make electronic links