How not to fill up a diploma

How not to fill up a diploma
How not to fill up a diploma

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Video: How to Get a Job With No Experience 2024, July

You attended classes at your school for several years, invested time and energy in your studies. And now the decisive moment has come - the defense of the diploma. To successfully write and defend a thesis, you should responsibly approach the matter.

Instruction manual


Start writing your diploma in advance. This will allow you not only to better compose the text, but also have time to get inspired by the topic and study it properly. And this means that on defense you will feel confident in answering questions. In addition, when you work on the last chapters, you may want to make adjustments, because you will better understand the topic than at the beginning. Leave yourself time for this.


When the text of your thesis is ready, take the time to properly study it. Read your work as many times as necessary to ensure that you have a clear and holistic picture in your head. Remember what each chapter says. Do not leave incomprehensible moments - everything you write about should be clear to you. After all, the only way you can successfully answer the questions of the examination committee. If you become confused and doubtful, the audience may get the impression that you did not write the diploma yourself.


Organize your work in accordance with accepted standards and carefully. Firstly, it will be easier for you to navigate in the text. And secondly, it will make it clear to the commission that you were serious about the matter and really tried.


Take the time to prepare your defensive speech. In it, state the main essence and conclusions of your work. Well structure the speech so that it is well understood by the audience. This will be an important plus in your favor. After all, the supply of material is usually no less important than its content.


Try to think in advance what questions you may be asked and answer them. Then on defense you will feel more confident. Of course, it’s impossible to foresee everything, and most likely you will be asked unexpected questions. Do not worry and express your point of view.


If someone from the members of the examination committee did not agree with you on any topic, express your opinion, but do not try to defend it at all costs. There is no guarantee that you can explain your point of view and convey it to the teacher, but it can ruin your assessment.


Dress accordingly. Your appearance should appeal to you before you even speak. It is usually customary to go to the defense of a diploma in relatively strict neat clothes, but a bit of elegance will not hurt.