Why do you need nouns

Why do you need nouns
Why do you need nouns

Video: All About Nouns: English Grammar for Kids - FreeSchool 2024, July

Video: All About Nouns: English Grammar for Kids - FreeSchool 2024, July

The noun refers to the independent parts of speech and has the grammatical meaning of objectivity. This meaning differs from the concept of "subject", since many nouns from the point of view of vocabulary do not indicate specific objects. The grammatical sign of objectivity is found on the questions "who?" or "what?". A noun gives a name to all existing phenomena, concepts, objects.

Morphological features of a noun include constant categories of gender, declension, animation / inanimate. Variable attributes include case and number.

To determine the permanent categories of a noun, you should put it in its initial form - the nominative case of the singular. For example, in the sentence "In the forest there was complete silence" noun "in the forest" is used in the form of the prepositional case of the singular, while the initial form of the word "forest" defines the masculine gender, 2nd declension.

By meaning and grammatical properties, certain groups of nouns can be opposed to each other.

• Common nouns serving as generalized names of homogeneous objects are contrasted with their own, which are called single objects (city - Moscow; girl - Masha);

• Animate nouns giving names to living beings are contrasted with inanimate ones, denoting objects and phenomena of reality that are not considered to be living (person - country). This category is established by questions (who? What?);

• Specific nouns denoting objects and phenomena that are being counted are contrasted with abstract, material and collective.

- Abstracts are called concepts that designate an action or sign in abstraction from the producer of the action or carrier of the sign (poverty, inspiration, love);

- Material nouns include nouns that give the name a mass that is homogeneous in composition, for example, food products, crops, minerals, metals, chemical elements, etc. (oil, silver, gasoline, perfume);

- Collective nouns designate the totality of the same persons or objects as an indivisible whole that cannot be determined by a quantitative numeral (youth, foliage, professors).

All nouns are divided into two grammatical classes: inflected, i.e. variable by cases (most of them), and non-declining (for example, borrowed words like "jury", "referee", "avenue"; abbreviations - Moscow State University, UN, HPP).