Why do you need math?

Why do you need math?
Why do you need math?

Video: why you NEED math for programming 2024, July

Video: why you NEED math for programming 2024, July

Events and phenomena always occur in the world that can hardly be called illogical and not subordinate to any laws or orders. Some of these events are subject to mathematical laws, which are one of the driving forces of the progress of mankind and civilization.

Largely thanks to mathematics, civilization has become what it is now: developed, high-tech, educated and well-off. Mathematical science allowed civilization to develop in all its aspects, from clothing and household items to space exploration.

Mathematics is an exact science that does not tolerate errors. It is thanks to this trait that mathematical laws formed the basis of all inventions, starting with primitive levers and pendulums and ending with supercomputers.

The laws and laws deduced in mathematics are objective and applicable in all other areas of human knowledge. Physics, chemistry, geography, geology and many other areas of scientific knowledge are based on its laws, in which it is simply impossible to do without mathematics.

The formula language used in mathematics is clear to all scholars dedicated to it, regardless of nationality, religion, or language. Thanks to him, new discoveries and evidence in the world of mathematics become known as soon as possible.

Mathematics as a science is based on a variety of mathematical models, the main task of which is to display real events and phenomena. From this follows the main goal of mathematics from its practical side - the development of such models that could sufficiently explain the investigated phenomenon or object.

One of the foundations of mathematical knowledge is the application of the language of numbers to all simulated objects. A number in mathematics is like a letter in an alphabet, without it there is nowhere. The language of numbers is international, understandable to every educated person.

Mathematical knowledge allows a person to quickly and correctly identify relationships in events around them, act more competently and, most importantly, more logically, and also have a constructive approach to solving various issues. A person who knows mathematics well can be called educated and logical.