How much to study in a driving school in 2015

How much to study in a driving school in 2015
How much to study in a driving school in 2015

Video: Truck Driving schools can give study visa? || kataria TV || 2024, July

Video: Truck Driving schools can give study visa? || kataria TV || 2024, July

Taking courses and getting a driver’s license is not a five-minute affair, it requires a lot of time, since during the training you need to learn all the rules of the road, learn how to feel the car and feel confident on the road.

Since August 11, 2014, new training rules appeared in all driving schools in Russia, the reason for this is the emergence of new categories of rights.

So, in the Russian Federation, the following categories of rights are established with subcategories: A (motorcycles) with a subcategory A1 (motorcycles with an engine capacity of less than 125 cc), B (cars) with a subcategory B1 (tricycles and quadricycles), C (cars weighing higher 3500 kg (with the exception of category D cars), trucks with trailers weighing less than 750 kg) with the C1 subcategory (trucks weighing 3500 to 7500 kg), D (cars with more than eight seats) with the D1 subcategory (cars with the number of seats from 8 to 16), category E currently has the form BE, CE, C1E, etc. (cars with trailers), category M (light ATVs and mopeds), Tm (trams) and category Tb (trolleybuses).

Due to these innovations, the training program for category B (passenger car) has become much more complicated.

For example, it is possible to learn how to drive a car with an automatic transmission. People who pass the exam will receive rights with the mark "AT", meaning that they can drive a car exclusively with automatic transmission.

The training programs are built by modules, the basic one, consisting of 84 hours, during primary education, they study everything without fail (topics: road safety and first aid). People who already have the right to get the next category need to study the basic module. Initial training, of course, significantly increased in the number of hours, but to get a new category, it decreased.

For example, until August 11, 2014, exactly 156 hours were allotted for training the most popular category “B” (106 - theory, 50 - practice), currently 190 hours (130 - theory, 56 - practice, 4 - exam). Now, having opened category “B”, you don’t have to spend so much time getting “C”, since the basic module has already been studied, therefore, minus 84 hours.

It takes 122 hours to get a driver’s license for a moped (100 hours is a theory, 18 is practice, 4 is an exam).