What determines student performance

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What determines student performance
What determines student performance

Video: Using Assessment and Evaluation Strategies to Support Students 2024, July

Video: Using Assessment and Evaluation Strategies to Support Students 2024, July

There are a large number of reasons that prevent students from absorbing knowledge to the necessary degree. Moreover, all the reasons for low academic performance will have origins of a different nature.

There are many factors that influence school performance. Among them, three main groups of causes can be distinguished: social, psychological and pedagogical.

Social reasons for failure

A strong influence on the child during school is his social environment. This includes parents, classmates, yard friends. If the family does not form the value of mastering knowledge, then most likely the child will not be willing to learn. It is important that parents show by their own example that learning is an important and interesting process. If most family members studied poorly and don’t particularly flattering about the time spent in school, then the child can accept in advance that learning will not bring him pleasure.

Material problems of a family can lead to failure. A student who does not have the basic set of accessories for learning will never be able to fully learn. Lifestyle also affects academic performance. Asocial families, in which there are no norms of morality, cannot create favorable conditions for learning.

Psychological reasons leading to failure

The student’s personal characteristics, the characteristics of his mental processes can affect academic performance. Most often, younger students justify the low level of grades, citing poor attention, memory. Older students, on the contrary, see the basis of problems in personal qualities, such as laziness, passivity, lack of will. Deficiencies in the development of cognitive processes can indeed lead the student to poor grades. However, in most cases, with the help of a school psychologist, functions such as memory, attention and logical thinking can be brought to the required level. The situation is more acute with the personal qualities of students. If the child does not have adequate motivation for learning and does not show any activity in obtaining knowledge, then academic performance will be deliberately low.