Where can I go after the ninth

Where can I go after the ninth
Where can I go after the ninth

Video: How to Get Back Mantis EXIT Kashyyyk after Ninth Sister Boss: Zipline Shortcut ELEVATOR Fallen Order 2024, July

Video: How to Get Back Mantis EXIT Kashyyyk after Ninth Sister Boss: Zipline Shortcut ELEVATOR Fallen Order 2024, July

After the ninth grade, you can enter a vocational school (vocational school), lyceum, technical school or college. Schools and lyceums give diplomas of secondary specialized education. Technical schools and colleges - diplomas of junior specialists or bachelors.

You will need

  • - a statement addressed to the director of the educational institution;

  • - medical certificate;

  • - 3x4 photo - 6 pieces;

  • - certificate of general secondary education;

  • - photocopy of passport or birth certificate;

  • - A photocopy of the medical insurance policy.

Instruction manual


Inquire about specialized secondary and vocational schools in your city or the nearest district center. Study the offered specialties and decide on the choice of a profession. If you plan to enter a higher educational institution in the future, it is better to immediately choose a close or related specialty. After some technical schools and colleges, the university can enter the relevant specialty without exams, sometimes immediately to the second or third year. In addition, their lyceums operate at some universities.


Find out the phone number of the selection committee of the selected university. As a rule, it can be found on the website of the institution.


Collect the necessary package of documents. It is better to do this in advance, since the process of obtaining, for example, a medical certificate may be delayed. Check in the selection committee of the selected university if there is any need to provide any additional documents (this can be a TIN, a pension certificate, a certificate of family composition, and so on).


Find out the conditions of admission to the institution of interest to you. So, in most vocational schools students are accepted without exams. Sometimes there can be a competition for certificates or an interview. Technical schools and colleges often have entrance exams. In general, according to the existing admission procedure, colleges have the right to accept students on the basis of entrance examinations, school exams or the exam. Some specialties (especially creative ones) require additional tests (for example, “drawing”, etc.).


Submit documents to the colleges. In this case, you should be given a receipt on the receipt of documents. Sometimes the presence of the official representative of the applicant (one of the parents) is required.


Get ready for the entrance exams. Tutors, special courses and so on can help in this matter. In addition, you can always prepare for exams yourself. Take the entrance test.


Wait for the announcement of the results of entrance examinations and the order of admission.

Useful advice

The vocational school is an excellent solution for those who seek to receive a demanded working specialty. A college or technical school can be an excellent springboard in order to receive higher education in the chosen specialty in the future.