How to defend a thesis perfectly

How to defend a thesis perfectly
How to defend a thesis perfectly

Video: The Perfect Defense: The Oral Defense of a Dissertation 2024, July

Video: The Perfect Defense: The Oral Defense of a Dissertation 2024, July

To get a diploma, writing a graduate qualification paper is not enough: you need to protect it well. You can count on a high rating only if several elements take place at once: high quality of the content of the work, full disclosure of the topic, confident and professional presentation.

Instruction manual


Discuss with your supervisor the degree of satisfaction with the content of your work. Work through all the comments received. To get excellent, your diploma must be of high value as a research or analytical work.


Prepare handouts and presentations so that commission members have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with your research. Visibility will increase your chances of getting high marks for your work.


Compose the text of the speech. The following points should be addressed in it: relevance of the topic, contradiction, hypothesis and tasks put forward by you. Through tasks you must reveal the content of your work.


Coordinate the text of the speech before the commission with your supervisor. Take into account all the edits that he will make. After the final version lies in front of you, learn it. On defense, try not to read a piece of paper. You will look much more competent if your speech is clear and correct. If you are not sure that you can do without a hint, take the text with you, but try to access it as little as possible.


Before defense, re-read your final qualifying work. You should be well versed in its structure and content. Any suggestion should be clarified by you immediately.


Be prepared for the fact that members of the state certification committee can ask you questions. Do not worry and be confident in yourself. Thank the commission for the question and immediately proceed to answer. Try to answer all questions clearly, correctly expressing your thoughts.


Consider the fact that your presentation should last no more than ten minutes, so try to be brief, but succinct.

Useful advice

Try to sleep in front of the defense in order to feel more confident on it.