How to fill out a practice report diary

How to fill out a practice report diary
How to fill out a practice report diary

Video: Report Writing | How to write a Report | Format | Example | Blood Donation Camp 2024, July

Video: Report Writing | How to write a Report | Format | Example | Blood Donation Camp 2024, July

The practice diary, along with the report and description, is the most important document confirming the fact of its passage by the student. The diary reflects the tasks assigned to the trainee and the fact of their implementation is noted.

Instruction manual


Prepare a template in advance to fill in the practice diary. This is most conveniently done in a text editor. Create a table with three columns and the number of rows equal to the number of working days that you will spend in practice. Title the table as "Diary of industrial (undergraduate) practice." The first column should be called "Date", the second - "Task", the third - "Progress Mark". After the table, leave space for the date, signature of the head and seal of the organization, which is the basis of the practice. The template can be printed and filled out by hand, or filled daily in a text editor, printed on the last day in order to affix signatures.


As you progress through the practice, write down daily what you did as part of the practice. Enter the date in the format day.month.year in the first column. Here is the second column, write the assignments completed on that day. Practice assignments should be classified into a special practice plan, which is developed by the supervisor taking into account the characteristics of the practice base, the specialty curriculum and the individual abilities of each student. Ideally, all the tasks of the practice plan should be carried out in order, and a record of their implementation should be entered in the diary. Compliance with the practice plan should be monitored by the head of the organization, who leaves notes in the third column of the diary.


After the practice, the diary should be signed by the head of the organization. The diary may also have a title page, which indicates the initials of the student, the name of the practice base, as well as the names of the leaders from the educational institution and organization. More detailed requirements for practice diaries, as a rule, are specified at installation conferences in each particular university.

practice report diary