How to close a session

How to close a session
How to close a session

Video: How TCP starts and close session? 2024, July

Video: How TCP starts and close session? 2024, July

No wonder they say that a person regrets about the chosen profession 12 times in his life: during ten sessions, the state exam and the defense of the diploma. In order to proceed to the last stage, you need to close the session. This is not easy to do, but possible.

Instruction manual


Of course, the most obvious way to close a session is to learn all the tickets and pass the exam safely. Nowhere without knowledge.

However, there are several ways that can greatly facilitate life during this hot period for each student.

The first way. Get the machine.

No one wants to hear this word as much as a student. "Automatic" from the lips of the teacher means that you were a diligent student, attended lectures, passed the necessary work on time, participated in student conferences and proved to be in the classroom.

A whole semester of hard work will give you several days of rest and the long-awaited "exce" in the set-off.


Method 2. To simplify the procedure for passing the exam.

If you cannot boast of diligence, do not despair. During the semester, do everything that the teacher remembers you. To do this, be sure to attend lectures at the beginning, middle and end of the semester. Hand over all work on time, speak out several times at seminars.

Although you don’t get a machine gun, the teacher will have a good opinion of you, and it will be easier to learn the material, because you already know something about the subject from the lectures.


The third way. Call for help eloquence.

Surely you have noticed this situation more than once: your classmate has never appeared in the classroom during the semester, taught nothing, and did not fail a single exam. And it's not about bribes. Your classmate just has charisma, and he knows how to use it. Having seized fragmentary information, he can build an answer line so that the teacher himself envies!

Train and you will succeed. Only lectures are still better to attend. Who knows where the information comes in handy?