How to restore an education document

How to restore an education document
How to restore an education document

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Video: How to Restore last view settings when reopening documents 2024, July

If you have lost a diploma of higher education, then this can become an obstacle when applying for a good job. To avoid this, you need, having collected all the necessary documents, as soon as possible to deal with its restoration.

Instruction manual


If you lose your diploma of higher education, the first thing you need to do is appear in the district police station. Here you should be given a certificate stating that you have declared a diploma missing and the search work did not produce results.


With this certificate and a passport, you need to contact the educational institution where you received the diploma, write a statement on the issuance of a duplicate diploma in the name of the rector, indicating the period of your studies at this university, year of diploma defense, faculty and specialty. In addition, you will have to pay a state fee.


If you received a diploma with a maiden name, but at the moment you managed to change it, then a copy of your marriage certificate must be attached to the police certificate and application. However, your old surname will remain in the diploma.


If for some reason it becomes impossible to fill out the diploma supplement, then a duplicate diploma is issued without an attachment. If you lose your diploma and its annex issued before June 22, 1996, you will be given a duplicate of the diploma and its annex on updated forms. If you received your diploma after June 22, 1996, then in return you will receive a duplicate of the diploma supplement, which should contain the registration number of the diploma you have saved. If the document on higher education was issued before June 22, 1996, then instead of a duplicate of the application, an extract is issued from the working curriculum, according to which the graduate of the university completed his studies, with the obligatory indication of the period of study and the studied disciplines. If the diploma was received after June 22, 1996, then duplicates of the diploma and its annexes are issued, and the preserved original application is subject to disposal.


The restoration of a diploma of higher education usually takes a long time - from a month to six months, especially if it is lost in the spring, during the final exams.