How to learn to be an appraiser

How to learn to be an appraiser
How to learn to be an appraiser

Video: How to Become a Licensed Residential Appraiser 2024, July

Video: How to Become a Licensed Residential Appraiser 2024, July

Services of appraisers today are one of the most demanded in business. In Russia, valuation experts appeared after privatization, when factories, buildings, and land plots passed into private hands and free trade began. An evaluation expert is a marketer, mathematician, economist, and lawyer all rolled into one.

Instruction manual


Making a career in this profession is possible only with higher education. Appraisers are trained by many institutes. There are specialized universities - for example, the International Academy of Assessment and Consulting or the Institute of Professional Assessment. Both of these institutions are non-state, located in Moscow. They teach practitioners working in appraisal and consulting organizations. The Academy of Assessment and Consulting is the only Russian university that is part of the FIABCI World Association of Specialists. The teaching staff of this university is developing assessment methods for practicing appraisers. Here you can learn to value the assets of industrial enterprises and small companies. Of the minuses of these institutions - only a paid form of training.


The specialty “Property Valuation” does not exist in the state Russian educational standard. You can learn to be an appraiser only in other specialties. The most common option is training in the specialty "Finance and Credit". From the third year, specialization “property valuation” was introduced there. You can get the profession of an evaluation expert at well-known state universities, for example, at the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, at the State University of Management. In this case, a prestigious diploma and fundamental training in the field of management and economics are guaranteed. You will learn in all the intricacies of investment activity, accounting, micro and macroeconomics, the securities market.


If you want to deal with land and real estate valuation, the State University of Land Management and the Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography are waiting for you. In these universities they teach the land cadastre. The Moscow Institute of Law specializes in assessment in the specialty "Organization Management". They train appraisers-managers of a wide profile.


For those who do not have the specialized education of an appraiser, not everything is lost either. Many universities have continuing professional education programs. They can be taken at the Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation, at MESI (University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics), at the Institute of Professional Assessment and others. Such courses usually last about 500 teaching hours and are aimed at specific areas of assessment - "Estimating the value of the enterprise", "Estimating the value of real estate", etc. Sometimes only one additional program is presented that meets the specifics of the university. At the Moscow Automobile and Road Institute, they are trained as an appraiser of transport, at the Russian Institute of Intellectual Property - an appraiser of intellectual property.

  • Russian universities for future appraisers
  • where to learn to be a land appraiser