How to learn a foreign language perfectly

How to learn a foreign language perfectly
How to learn a foreign language perfectly



The knowledge of foreign languages ​​is simply necessary for a modern person. A person who speaks languages ​​feels more confident in the labor market and traveling. To master a foreign language to perfection, school and university studies are not enough. A lot of attention needs to be paid to self-education.

You will need

  • - textbook or tutorial;

  • - books in a foreign language;

  • - audio recordings;

  • - movies;

  • - linguistic environment;

  • - The address of the courses where they are engaged in an intensive methodology.

Instruction manual


The first thing to do is to overcome the fear of an unfamiliar language. Usually, the greatest success in learning a second language is achieved by children who soon find themselves in the right language environment. This is no accident - children do not have the complexes characteristic of adults, they take the second language for granted. Try to feel like such a child and constantly think that you will succeed.


You can learn the basic course of a foreign language at school, in courses or on your own. If you practice regularly, then after a few months you will begin to understand simple texts, the content of popular songs and even some radio programs. Tutorials that are given in the courses or offered by the authors of the tutorial, complete with watching cartoons, listening to and reading children's tales.


If you think that you have achieved serious success and it’s time to improve, look for intensive courses. In such courses, students are “immersed” in the language environment, and learning is much faster. You need to read books, listen to radio programs and watch movies in the language you are learning constantly.


Conversational practice is very important, and it is best to talk with native speakers. Even at the best courses, such an opportunity is not always there. But you can, for example, use modern communication technologies. In teaching foreign languages ​​Skype is now widely used. Finding teachers from among native speakers is quite easy on social networks. Join a community whose members learn the same language. In such groups, announcements of lessons using modern means of communication are quite common. In extreme cases, you can advertise that you require a similar service.


Anyone who lives in a big city can get good conversational practice during "conversation breakfasts" or "French (English, Chinese) parties." As a rule, native speakers are invited to such events.


It is very good if you have the opportunity to often travel to a country where they speak the language you need. You can generally move there temporarily - in this case, you will definitely find yourself in the language environment you need and get the opportunity to learn the language well. Most likely, you will remain accent, but this is not a problem, because even in their native language everyone speaks differently. Just try to develop your own unique style of speech.

Useful advice

At the initial stage of learning a foreign language, it is better to take adapted books, at the stage of improvement - not adapted books.