How to pronounce the letter l

How to pronounce the letter l
How to pronounce the letter l

Video: English: How to Pronounce L consonant: American Accent 2024, July

Video: English: How to Pronounce L consonant: American Accent 2024, July

Love and affection, leaf fall and blizzard. What do these fascinating Russian words have in common? They are united by the letter "l" - the basis of the grace of native speech. Not everyone can correctly pronounce the letter "l". But there is no reason for sadness, this thing is easy to fix.

Instruction manual


Press the tip of the tongue to the upper incisors. The tongue should significantly rest against the teeth. With an effort push your tongue away from your teeth, pronouncing “varnish”, “puddle”, “swan”, “chandelier”, “spoon”, “ski”. Please note that depending on the vowel sound after “l, ” the position of the tongue changes slightly. When pronouncing the word "chandelier", the tongue no longer rests in the teeth, but in the upper sky. And during the pronunciation of the word "ski" - to the very edge of the upper incisors. But the principle of pronunciation of the sound "l" is the same - the language with effort pushes away from the obstacle.


If you can’t immediately say a distinct "l", then you need to make your language work. To do this, do the following exercise:

- when pronouncing the sound “l” in the above words, clamp the tongue with the tips of the upper and lower incisors, as if biting it. This way you fix the language and accustom it to the correct position.


Repeat slowly and distinctly the following tongue twisters:

- "Karl stole corals from Klara, and Klara stole the clarinet from Karl";

- "Thirty-three ships maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, maneuvered, but not maneuvered";

- "Vlas's daughter rinsed the striped mattresses, rinsed and rinsed, the river became striped."


Take a piece of text from any classic piece. Read with the expression, paying attention to the correct pronunciation of the sound "l". Let it be a little exaggerated at first, but over time, the language will well remember its place, and you will speak correctly.

Useful advice

All exercises are best done in front of the mirror. So you can visually control yourself.