How to choose a paid school

How to choose a paid school
How to choose a paid school

Video: How to Choose Between Graduate Schools and Advisors While Getting Paid More to Attend 2024, July

Video: How to Choose Between Graduate Schools and Advisors While Getting Paid More to Attend 2024, July

No paid school guarantees your child excellent knowledge and study without stress. But for some children, such educational institutions are an opportunity to receive knowledge, taking into account individual developmental characteristics. However, before choosing a paid school, carefully study what you will pay for.

Instruction manual


Make a list of paid institutions that are suitable, in your opinion, for your child. Look online for reviews of selected schools. It is better if it is independent resources, and not the official website of the institution. Choose a few schools - two or three that will interest you.


For a first introduction to the school, visit the Open House Day, which is usually held at educational institutions in the middle of the school year. This is a great opportunity to freely walk around the school, see all the classrooms, a computer class, a gym. Assess the condition of the building and classrooms, whether major or ongoing repairs are required. Look at the technical equipment of the classes - the presence of modern computers, an interactive whiteboard, a projector, etc.


Classes must comply with hygiene standards. Pay attention to lighting, class design, number of desks. In ungraded classes, each student must have an individual desk.


Be sure to check the toilet. There should be installed modern plumbing. And, most importantly, pay attention to maintaining cleanliness, the availability of necessary accessories for hygiene.


A detailed study of the material base of the school will give you an approximate idea of ​​what the money is spent on which parents pay for tuition. If the school is in unsatisfactory condition, there is no modern technical base, and the monthly fee is above 20 tr. - This is an occasion to think about the appropriateness of expenses.


Ask a representative of the school about spending money. You must provide a sample report. Of course, it’s not worth waiting for a report before you. But the director can justify where most of the money goes. For example, qualified teachers teach at school and are paid higher salaries. And the remaining issues are solved with residual funds.


Take a meal in the school cafeteria. In a reputable school, they cook on their own, and the child has the opportunity to choose breakfast or lunch from several options. There should be options and diet food. View the menu for the week. If the child stays in school for the whole day, he should be provided with three meals a day.


Discuss school safety separately. Does the school have a bus that picks up and delivers children, and is this service included in the monthly price. How is school and children protected? Is the territory closed at the school, are there surveillance cameras on the perimeter of the school and in the building itself. How is the passage to the school of parents. Whether children are released from school on their own or only with an accompanying person. Ask more questions to avoid misunderstandings during the training period.


Find out which sports sections work in the school. Usually private schools provide quite serious sports training. To do this, all conditions must be created, starting from the gym and outdoor playground, and ending with qualified trainers. There are schools that boast a private pool.


If you are giving your child to first grade, take an interest in what program will be taught and get acquainted with those teachers who will be recruiting first grades. You have the right to give the child to the teacher you want. After all, it is the right of choice, first of all, that distinguishes paid schools from state ones.


Study the school load. The schedule may include additional items that are not part of the compulsory school curriculum. But if the school is specialized, for example, with in-depth study of the English language, be prepared for the fact that from the first grade English lessons will be held 3-5 hours a week. Whereas, according to the state standard, foreign languages ​​begin to be taught from the second grade.


If your child goes to high school, ask what universities the school collaborates with, what percentage of those who entered them last year. Ask if pre-university training and career counseling classes are conducted with high school students.


In all private schools, classes have a small occupancy of 8-15 children. The only thing you need to clarify is the joint or separate training of boys and girls. There are schools that practice separate education in primary school.