How to return money for college

How to return money for college
How to return money for college

Video: College Return On Investment 2024, July

Video: College Return On Investment 2024, July

Not always students of the commercial department of a higher educational institution have the opportunity to finish their studies. There can be many reasons: an undelivered session, lack of money, deductions for some other reasons. And then the young people face the question of how and how much money can be returned for their education.

You will need

  • - the passport;

  • - a copy of the contract for training;

  • - tuition fees;

  • - income statement;

  • - certificate of employment;

  • - statement;

  • - copy of the university license;

  • - bank account details;

  • - Student birth certificate.

Instruction manual


To get a part of the money spent on training is real. The amount you can count on is 13% of the amount paid for three years of study. But not more than 50, 000 p. And just like that, no one will return this money to you. It is necessary to collect a number of documents.


It will not be the educational institution that will return the money to you, but the tax one. Therefore, all documents must be submitted for consideration to specialists of this particular organization. To get started, write the appropriate statement. Attach to it a passport, a copy of the tuition agreement, copies of receipts certifying your payment for the academic semesters.


Since in most cases parents pay for the student’s training, a number of papers are additionally required for the tax. This is a copy of the university’s license, income statement of the parent who paid for education, a certificate from his place of work, a copy of the student’s birth certificate. The tax office will consider your request for 2.5 - 3 months, after which the inspectors will ask you to indicate the details of the account to which the money will be transferred.


In some cases, there are exceptions when you can return the amount of more than 13%. This is intended for those categories of students who are among children from low-income families. For such students, a refund of tuition in the amount of 90% of the total amount paid is expected. But the tax will go towards if the student over the years of study was only an excellent student or a good guy. There should be no triples in surrendered sessions.


If the number of good ratings is mixed, i.e. the student receives 4 and 5 equally for the session, then they will return up to 75% of the amount paid. In the case when such a student is a solid excellent student, then almost 90% will be returned to him. In this way, the student’s desire to study well and gain knowledge is stimulated.


When there is a problem with the return of funds, contact the court. Attach to the statement of claim the entire package of documents prepared for the tax.

money as an institution