How to arrange a child for school

How to arrange a child for school
How to arrange a child for school

Video: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims 2024, July

Video: How to raise successful kids -- without over-parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims 2024, July

On the first of September, many parents begin a marathon for placing a child in first grade. Many documents and certificates need to be prepared in advance. What a future first grader and his parent need to know: admission rules, necessary documents, minimum level of knowledge of a future student.

You will need

  • Documents required for admission to school:

  • - statement of parents (written in the school in the prescribed form)

  • - copy of the birth certificate of the child

  • - copy of medical policy

  • - copy of the passport of one of the parents

  • - medical certificate form 0-26 / U

  • - a certificate from the place of registration (by decision of the school)

Instruction manual


On April 1, the official admission of children to first grade begins. At the time of admission, the child must be at least 6.5 years old and no more than 8 (a different age is negotiated with the school administration individually).

You must have a student’s medical card issued, in which information about the vaccinations and the conclusions of the medical specialists that the child can study in a secondary school should be entered.

The child must be admitted to the school to which he is geographically attached - at the place of registration or registration. If you do not have registration, you must contact the city Department of Education and you will be given a referral to the school. A child can be taken to any other school only subject to availability.


When entering a school, a school psychologist should talk with the child to determine the degree of psychological readiness of the future student. In fact, the interview turns into a real entrance exam. A future first grader, even before entering school, must:

- know your name, patronymic, last name, date of birth;

- Know the names and surnames of the parents;

- know the seasons, what time of the year at the moment, its signs;

- distinguish all colors;

- know the simplest geometric shapes;

- be able to sort objects into groups (dishes, vehicles, animals, etc.);

- count to 10 and vice versa;

- perform addition and subtraction within a dozen;

- write your first and last name in block letters;

- read by syllables.


What will they learn at school? - you will be surprised. The same thing, only in a more complex form and at an accelerated pace. Modern realities are such that the better a child is prepared for school, the faster and easier it will be for him to go through a period of adaptation in the first grade. It will be easier for him to cope with educational loads. In some subjects, it is better to always be a bit ahead of the curve (for example, in foreign languages), so that if you miss lessons due to illness it would be easier to catch up.

Useful advice

If the interview with a psychologist turns into an exam - the child is forced to read and write and, based on the results, decide whether the child can attend this school, please contact the Department of Education with a complaint. This is a gross violation of the rights of the child, and usually after a call from above, the school administration reviews its decision. If the Office of Education is silent, write to the Department of Education, the answers always come from there, and they solve problems there.