How to create an electronic lesson

How to create an electronic lesson
How to create an electronic lesson

Video: Lesson 1 - Voltage, Current, Resistance (Engineering Circuit Analysis) 2024, July

Video: Lesson 1 - Voltage, Current, Resistance (Engineering Circuit Analysis) 2024, July

With the popularity of computer technology, many elements of education are a thing of the past. This list includes huge books, encyclopedias, lectures on manuals, etc. More and more everyday lessons include electronic lessons.

You will need

  • - computer;

  • - Internet access;

  • - Microsoft Office programs;

  • - writing accessories;

  • - sources of information.

Instruction manual


Define a clear topic and task that you want to solve with the help of an electronic lesson. In any case, you will have to conduct it, based on the academic plan of a particular subject. Write the title of the lesson on a piece of paper, indicate a clear goal and tasks that would lead to its achievement. Next, write the tools that you are going to use for this, in addition to the computer.


Make a detailed lesson plan. Once you understand what you want to achieve in class, take a pen and paper and write down its outline. Each item should logically flow from the previous one. A thorough plan will help you quickly and clearly make a lesson and conduct it at a high level.


Pick up all the necessary material. Now it's time to create the material part of the electronic lesson. To do this, you will need access to the Internet and other third-party sources in the form of books, magazines, articles, newspapers, etc. Do not neglect the latter and only dwell on the global network. Remember that the amount of material directly depends on the subject of study. Also consider that you will need to not only visualize the material, but also explain it in a short period of time. Relate the information found to each item written.


Compile everything in one Microsoft Word document. Put all the selected material in a regular text editor. Highlight the most important points - the points that you will talk about in the lesson. If your task is to display tables, charts, graphs, etc., then use the Microsoft Excel program. How to use it, you can find on the website:


Take a lesson from the slides in Microsoft Powerpoint. Now that you have a lesson in a text editor, it's time to colorfully design it in the form of a presentation. If you are not familiar with Microsoft Powerpoint, go to: and follow all the instructions. You can make 8-10 slides with small headlines, abstracts, pictures, photos and even videos. You will find all detailed instructions on this resource.


Play the lesson on the computer and make adjustments. Once you're done with your slides, press the F5 key and view the presentation. If you notice any flaws, correct them. After that, feel free to conduct the lesson using your electronic manual.


The number of slides will depend on the duration of the lesson, as well as the material that needs to be told.