How to schedule games

How to schedule games
How to schedule games

Video: How to Schedule a Private Game on Trickster Bridge 2024, July

Video: How to Schedule a Private Game on Trickster Bridge 2024, July

In modern preschool education, there is a transition from the lesson form of the organization of educational classes to the game one. In the game, children can gain new knowledge, consolidate existing knowledge, but most of all they like to play outside of class, freely expressing their ideas and ideas. For high-quality management of the game activities of preschoolers, the group educator draws up a game schedule, which is guided by when developing a long-term work plan.

You will need

  • - A list of types and plots of games for your age group;

  • - A list of sports equipment and kits for games in kindergarten;

  • - information on the availability of musical toys.

Instruction manual


Refer to month-ahead game planning before you start planning for a week or one day. To do this, in the program, which runs a preschool institution, review the block "Game activity" and select the task that you will solve throughout the month. For example, for a group of children 3-4 years old, the task is chosen: "To help children unite for playing in groups of 2-3 people based on personal sympathies."


Specify specifically in the plan what new games are introduced this month for each type of gaming activity: role-playing, mobile, didactic, construction, theatrical. If the preschool institution has its own educational direction (for example, familiarizing children with folk culture), then a block of folk games is planned, which can be round dance, musical, and mobile.


Make a lesson plan for the week, focusing on the program requirements. If the week has a specific theme, then the games are selected on the same topic. For example, the theme "Wild Animals" involves the use of educational games such as "Lotto" about animals in the classroom, and in between the classes it is planned to conduct round dance games "Zayinka Dance, Greyhound Dance". During the walk, outdoor games such as "At the Bear in the Forest" and others are held.


Schedule games for a daily walk (at least 3 types): - a mobile game for the entire group (at the same time, fixing the correct execution of the main movements alternate: Monday - games with jumps, Tuesday - with walking and running, Wednesday - with climbing and etc.); - an outdoor game for a subgroup of children (fixing the basic movements that need to be repeated for this subgroup); - plot-role-playing game (the plot of the familiar game is repeated); - sports game (can be organized for the whole group or a separate subgroup of children).


Choose sports and musical toys for organizing free play activities for children. In the morning and in the evening, time is allocated for the independent activities of children, but the children will start the game if the teacher can provide them with the necessary play material. In the morning, during the reception of children, the teacher organizes individual games - educational, entertaining, and in the evening - collective, story-based.


When scheduling, consider individual work with children, as children's playing skills are different, and some need to be taught how to play.

Useful advice

When scheduling, coordinate the game activity with other specialists of the children's playroom: music director, physical education instructor, speech therapist. Tell them the topic of weekly planning and the task set for the whole month. Their game schedule should be in addition to your plan.