How to make a psychological and pedagogical characteristic

How to make a psychological and pedagogical characteristic
How to make a psychological and pedagogical characteristic

Video: What is Pedagogy? | 4 Essential Learning Theories | Satchel 2024, July

Video: What is Pedagogy? | 4 Essential Learning Theories | Satchel 2024, July

The compilation of psychological and pedagogical characteristics is an important point in the work of teachers and psychologists with a particular student. This document allows you to summarize the work with the child, his examinations, correctly present the results of examinations, observations, and in addition, give practical recommendations on the further development of the child for the whole environment - teachers, parents.

Instruction manual


Write the heading "Psychological and pedagogical characteristics" in the center of the line, on the next line indicate who it is composed of: the surname, name and patronymic of the student.


Indicate line by line information about the child - date of birth, class, educational institution in which the child is studying, home address and telephone number, as well as surnames, names and patronymics of parents. The latter will be needed for other professionals who may not have close contact with the family.


Describe the general impression of the child, what is his appearance, behavior in a situation of examination, communication.


Indicate information about the child's family, immediate social environment and the level of current development of the child.


Describe the features of psychophysical development - the level of performance, the development of large and fine motor skills, visual-spatial orientations, perceptions, especially attention, memory and thinking, based on the survey.


Together with the teacher or based on his data, analyze the level of formation of educational skills. Note how knowledge, skills and abilities are relevant to the program. Note the existing learning difficulties in math, writing, and reading. If there are no expressed difficulties in learning, describe the learning activity by the parameters: academic performance, level of knowledge, horizons, well-read, speech development, interest in learning, manifested learning abilities, learning ability.


Describe the student’s personality. Indicate the direction of extracurricular interests, the ability to any type of activity, if any. Note the expressed features of temperament and character, manifested in the educational activity - working capacity, mobility, sociability, diligence, activity.


Note the emotional and behavioral features - the mobility of the emotional sphere, the general emotional background, how relations with the team, teachers, parents are formed, what problems exist.


Based on the above facts, make general psychological and pedagogical conclusions about the causes of existing problems in behavior, study or relationships. Specify specific ways to overcome difficulties. Give recommendations to other specialists, parents for further interaction, correctional or pedagogical work.


Sign yourself and assure the characteristics of the head, put the date and seal of the institution.