How to make a manual

How to make a manual
How to make a manual

Video: HOW TO CREATE A MANUAL USING MICROSOFT WORD: Short, Quick, and Simple Easy Design 2024, July

Video: HOW TO CREATE A MANUAL USING MICROSOFT WORD: Short, Quick, and Simple Easy Design 2024, July

A manual is a printed brochure that contains detailed guidelines for students to study a specific training course. The book is the result of processing general information on the topic, as well as their own experience in this field.

You will need

  • - literature on the topic;

  • - own experience.

Instruction manual


The purpose of the manual for students is to consolidate the material of the subject as you progress through the topics. Any methodological manual should include the following sections: introduction, theoretical part, practical part and didactic part.


Formulate in the introduction the purpose of writing the manual, indicate the potential readership, which can be interesting and useful, as well as the results that can be achieved using the methods indicated in it.


Make a plan of the manual in the form of a summary of the main sections. You can limit yourself to two or three sentences on each topic and several basic formulas, if the manual is created on technical discipline. This is a plan for the future theoretical part.


The theoretical part should contain scientific theoretical materials on the topic, which should be structured and presented in the shortest possible form. Give links to other works or textbooks.


Give tasks or examples with a solution that you yourself have arrived at. This part of the manual is practical, supporting the theoretical section. Own experience will help to find pitfalls, inaccuracies that can be corrected and give recommendations on how to avoid them. Select the didactic part, present in it auxiliary drawings, graphs or diagrams illustrating the main material.


Make a section with additional questions that students must answer on their own, but so that they have enough material for this in your manual. Give control tasks with short answers at the end of the brochure or without them.


The methodological manual is a serious scientific work that gives specific recommendations to readers in a particular field. Therefore, to avoid inaccuracies or errors, use several sources of information when writing, including the works of recognized experts. The literature used must be indicated at the end of the manual, for convenience, divide into subtopics. Take here a list of regulatory documents, if any.