How to make a cheat sheet

How to make a cheat sheet
How to make a cheat sheet

Video: How to make a cheat sheet | STUDY TIP 2024, July

Video: How to make a cheat sheet | STUDY TIP 2024, July

From session to session, students live fun, and this is true. But when it comes to tests and exams, the fun is replaced by horror: "How to learn all this in one night?" Of course, one cannot do without teaching. But you can make your life easier.

Instruction manual


The first way. Ancient.

To implement your plan, you will need a lot of paper, a pen, scissors, a textbook and someone else's notebook with lectures on the subject (if your own is completely empty).

Making such cheat sheets is a very simple task, although time-consuming: write the numbers of questions (or the questions themselves) and abstract information on them on small pieces of paper.

Pros: during transcribing, at least something remains in the head, the sheets can be distributed over socks and pockets.

Cons: a very long and painstaking task - there may not be enough nights, there is no guarantee that the question numbers on the tickets will match yours, the teacher also made such cheat sheets - he knows what to expect.


The second way. Ancient modernized.

If you don’t feel like writing cribs at all, you can take care of this in advance: draw notebook sheets into several squares and record lectures immediately in the form of cribs. Before the exam, it remains only to cut the "wealth" and, if necessary, use it.

Pros: no need to rewrite everything twice, you can quickly bring the "workpiece" in the desired form.

Cons: the main condition for the success of such a cheat sheet is a personal presence at the lectures (it’s unlikely that you can make out the terrible handwriting of a neighbor in the exam), the teacher did it too (see method one).


The third way. Advanced.

Modern mobile phones replace almost everything for us: televisions, computers, and books … Why not replace them with lectures as well? In a large audience, a touch-screen phone is very easy to mistake for a calculator - just use the information you need.

True, this method has one significant drawback - the calculator, no matter how real it is, will not be needed at all for an exam in history or foreign literature.


The fourth way. Evident.

Instead of asking everyone “how to make a cheat sheet”, isn't it easier to learn everything? Knowledge is not superfluous.