How to make acid

How to make acid
How to make acid

It is impossible to imagine any more or less serious chemical experience in the absence of acid. Even to obtain carbon dioxide using soda, you can not do without it, not to mention more serious things. But there is no reason for despair, if you can’t get it, then you can make it. For example, we produce hydrochloric acid.

You will need

You will need: water, salt, concentrated sulfuric acid. Equipment: two glass containers with lids, a tube or hose, pan, heating element (hereinafter stove), hydrometer.

Instruction manual


Take the lid from the first container and make a hole in it, insert the tube into it, it should fit tightly in this hole. Make a hole in the lid from the second container, but this time the tube should go into it freely, a gap is needed. In the pan, type ordinary water from the tap, it will play the role of a water bath. Pour distilled water into the second container (the less the faster you get the acid of the desired concentration and reduce the consumption of ingredients) and close the lid.


Put a pot of water on the stove, wait until the water becomes warm, then pour salt in the first container and pour sulfuric acid in equal amounts. The reaction begins with the release of hydrogen chloride, immediately tightly close the container with a lid into which the tube is tightly inserted and place it in a water bath. Place the other end of the tube in the hole in the lid of the second container, but so that it does not touch the surface of the water. The process has begun.


In the interaction of sodium chloride with sulfuric acid, a reaction occurs with the release of gas "hydrogen chloride" which flows through a tube from the first tank (reactor) into the second tank with water. Then the gas dissolves in water and hydrochloric acid is formed. About five hundred volumes of hydrogen chloride can be dissolved in one volume of water. This gas is heavier than air and therefore leaving the tube it goes down saturating and increasing the concentration of hydrochloric acid. The hydrometer checks the density of the solution.


The manufacture of hydrochloric acid is a rather unsafe process. Do not forget about protective equipment (gloves, glasses). The mixture of acid and salt should not exceed a height of more than one third of the capacity (during the reaction, the foaming mixture begins to rise, do not let it reach the tube, reduce the temperature of the process). Close the lid of the first container as tight as possible and it is advisable to do all this in a well-ventilated area. Good luck.

Useful advice

For the purity of the process, it is desirable to have a U-shaped glass tube, but if it is absent, any rubber hose will do, although the acid can accumulate impurities. Concentrated sulfuric acid can be obtained by evaporating water from an automobile electrolyte. As containers, it is convenient to use pharmacy bottles for a dropper from under glucose, furocilin, etc. solutions.