How to make letters

How to make letters
How to make letters

Video: DIY Basic Letter Cutting for Beginners from A to Z (UPPERCASE) 2024, July

Video: DIY Basic Letter Cutting for Beginners from A to Z (UPPERCASE) 2024, July

Visual aids, which include self-made letters, several times improve children's perception of important information. Learning with these letters can be done in the form of a game, and if one or several letters are lost, you can always make a replacement for them.

You will need

White paper sheets, cardboard, blue and red felt-tip pens, glue, cubes, plywood sheets, file / sandpaper, shortcrust pastry, improvised materials

Instruction manual


Draw a letter with a felt-tip pen on a sheet of white paper. If it is a vowel, use red if the consonant is blue. To extend the life of such benefits, you can stick paper on a sheet of thick cardboard.


Saw the letter from a piece of thin plywood. Grind the edges of the product with a file or sandpaper so that the child is not injured. Cover the plywood letters with varnish, then they will not be afraid of moisture and will last a long time.


Take a sheet of cardboard, draw a letter on it with a simple pencil. Stick colorful beads, pebbles, shells on top of thin pencil lines. For the same purpose, you can use twigs, leaves, petals, caps of acorns and other natural materials.


Print large, clear letters on a piece of paper (white, yellow, blue or any other light shade). Take wooden or plastic cubes and stick one letter on each side of the cube. On one cube, the letters may be the same or different.


Knead shortbread dough, divide it into many small lumps, roll thin flagella out of them. On a baking sheet covered with baking paper or oiled, form their flagella letter. Bake the letters until they are browned.


Ask your child to help you craft the letters. So you will not only carry away the kid with an interesting new business, but you can also begin to introduce him to the alphabet already in the process of making the visual aid.


Do not use toxic materials to make letters. Make sure that the finished letters do not have sharp corners and cutting edges that the baby might hurt.

Useful advice

Letters can be made from improvised material that can be found in any home. It can be pieces of bright fabric, wallpaper, polystyrene, etc. Letters can be knitted, stitched, fashioned.

In order for the letters to be the same in size, use a stencil.

  • Children's world - articles about children. Entertaining alphabet
  • letters made of paper