How to pass the English exam in 2017

How to pass the English exam in 2017
How to pass the English exam in 2017

Video: FCE (B2 First) Reading and Use of English Exam (Part One) - How to Do Parts 1-4 2024, July

Video: FCE (B2 First) Reading and Use of English Exam (Part One) - How to Do Parts 1-4 2024, July

Passing an exam in English is a simple matter, there would be knowledge. What to pay attention to and how to behave is a matter of endurance and self-control. A few tips will not be redundant.

Instruction manual


Harvest cribs. Please note that the material copied from the Internet printed on a computer will only help if you are obviously allowed to write it off. It is desirable that the topics were typed by hand, and read more than once.


In the oral part of the exam, watch the pronunciation. Do not be lazy to look at the transcription in the dictionary, even if you know how the word is pronounced. Speak confidently with dignity. Do not worry, if you put the accent incorrectly, pretend to make a reservation. Smile


Vocabulary must be memorized. Any topic is based on a variation of the words you know, and the more you use them, the more meaningful the story. Be careful with "false translator friends", not always sounding the way to meaning. Do not be silent. Say everything you know, try to get out of the ticklish position by any means. Ask to rephrase the question. Pull the time.


Remember that the construction of sentences in Russian and English are different. Do not be foolish with minor members, do not pile up the statement in multiple turns. The simpler you build the phrase, the less mistakes you make. Use only those designs that are taught. Articles and prepositions, verbs with control should pop out like an automaton.


The written part of the exam is based on the principle "I know - I do not know - guessed it." Perform tasks as they become more complicated, leave the difficult ones for later, otherwise there will not be enough time for easy ones. If you don’t know the answer in the test part, check the box at random; there should not be an empty field.

Useful advice

Do not rely on a happy star, teach. English language requires a lot of time and effort.

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