How to pass an exam on history

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How to pass an exam on history
How to pass an exam on history

Video: How to answer a 12 mark 'Explain' Exam Question | Edexcel History GCSE Revision 2024, July

Video: How to answer a 12 mark 'Explain' Exam Question | Edexcel History GCSE Revision 2024, July

Students from the very beginning of the school year begin to prepare for the exam in the classroom. But for the successful delivery of such training is often not enough. To pass the exam in history, you need to prepare more seriously and thoroughly.

Preparation for the exam

Passing the exam will be easy if all the tasks are familiar and the student will not "swim" in terms and dates. Therefore, prepare for the exam should be in advance, and not on the last day. Highlight a time convenient for you - you can do it every day for thirty minutes, or three times a week for an hour or more. It all depends on your fatigue and readiness to perceive the repeated material. These activities should be fruitful, you should memorize information, and not just skim through it.

Remember dates as they are important components in the study of history. If you have a bad memory for numbers, then use the association method. Relate them to important dates.

Remember dates as they are important components in the study of history. If you have a bad memory for numbers, then use the association method. Relate them to important dates.

History Tasks

Get special manuals to prepare for the exam in history. Remember tasks and answers to them which are offered there. Allow enough time for each question. Outline important terms and dates. If necessary, you can quickly find the information you need, and writing on paper helps you remember better.

Manuals should be bought "fresh", that is, the year in which you will pass the exam, taking into account all changes and amendments. Give preference to those manuals in which the most complete answers are written.

Manuals should be bought "fresh", that is, the year in which you will pass the exam, taking into account all changes and amendments. Give preference to those manuals in which the most complete answers are written.