How to develop an interest in learning

How to develop an interest in learning
How to develop an interest in learning

The reasons for the loss of interest in learning can be many: fear of mistakes, overwork, inability to meet some criteria, inability of a teacher to find an approach, and much more. And to explain what prevents learning well, young children still can not. Accusations, reproaches and punishments can only aggravate the problem.

Instruction manual


Try to establish the reason for the unwillingness to learn. It happens that parents even before entering school turn the child into a schoolboy, load him with all kinds of tasks, limit the time for games. It should be remembered that the child is still small and his need to play is higher than the need to learn. In such children, the educational process subsequently causes a storm of indignation.


Do not lose your sense of proportion while striving to give your child a comprehensive education. Endless loads overwork the baby, as a result of which there is a protective reaction - unwillingness to learn. Take into account the individual characteristics of the child: some children even capture large amounts of material on the fly, while others need time to "digest" everything.


Do not overstate the bar you expect from your child. When parents have too high hopes for children, demand perfection, grades lower than five are perceived as a tragedy, the child, exhausting himself from the last forces and not getting the desired result, can simply begin to ignore school due to the development of an inferiority complex (does not meet the expectations of the pope with mom, teachers, grandparents, etc.)


Try to choose a good experienced teacher for the child who will help to adapt in the team, will be able to rally the children. If the child has a difficult relationship with the teacher and classmates, he will no longer have to study. The first teacher forms the attitude of children to school, so it is so important that he is a master of his craft.


Help the little schoolchild with homework, as due to unapproved material, he may lose interest in learning. Try to praise the baby, even for modest victories. Do not make unnecessary comments on any trifles, try to support him in everything. And then your little student will definitely receive new knowledge with pleasure.