How to parse a pronoun as part of speech

How to parse a pronoun as part of speech
How to parse a pronoun as part of speech

Video: Basic English Grammar: Parts of Speech – noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb... 2024, July

Video: Basic English Grammar: Parts of Speech – noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, adverb... 2024, July

Pronouns have some characteristics of nouns, adjectives and numerals. The individual morphological category of this part of speech is rank by value. The ability to establish the rank, the grammatical meaning of the pronoun will help to correctly determine its features. Perform morphological analysis as planned.

Instruction manual


To indicate an object or person, sign or quantity, without naming them, pronouns are used. Like the significant words replaced by them, pronouns possess a number of morphological categories, act as the main or secondary member of the sentence. The pronouns are characterized by the properties of nouns, adjectives or numerals. Install all the available signs, following a certain procedure.


Find the word from which you can ask a question to the pronoun. Write out the phrase that matches the pattern: "main word + dependent pronoun." Having indicated the grammatical characteristic of the pronoun, put it in the initial form. Find out to which nominal part of speech the word substituted by the pronoun belongs. If it is related to nouns or numbers, the nominative case will determine the initial form. For adjectives, it corresponds to the nominative case, masculine gender, singular.


Consider the pronoun for all the available attributes. Start with constant, unchanging characteristics. Determine which category it belongs to. In accordance with the meaning are distinguished: personal, relative, interrogative, reflexive, negative, indefinite, possessive, definitive and indicative. Personal ones differ from nouns, belonging to other grammatical categories, with unchanging features of a person and a number (in 1 and 2 persons).


Next, go on to consider signs that are capable of changing. Set the case form for all pronouns. Other possible inconsistent morphological characteristics will depend on the grammatical meaning and rank. If you have pronouns that replace adjectives or personal ones (3 persons), first determine the category of the number. Then you can find out to which gender the pronoun belongs (this attribute is determined only in the singular).


The question asked from the main word will help you decide whether the pronoun in the sentence is the main or secondary member. This part of the speech performs different syntactic functions in the sentence. Usually the subject and complement in the sentence are the pronouns-nouns and numerals, and the definition is the pronouns-adjectives.


Consider the example of morphological analysis of the pronoun according to the established plan:

The sentence “Look at yourself from the outside” includes the pronoun “yourself” indicating a person.

I. (Look “at whom?”) - at yourself - places.

II. N. f. - yourself. Fast. - returnable; non-post. - wines. P.

III. Addition (underlined by a dotted line).


• The nominative case is absent in the negative pronoun "no one" and the return pronoun - "self."

• The gender of adjectives is established only in cases of their use in the singular.

What does pronoun mean as part of speech?