How to recertify

How to recertify
How to recertify

Video: Recertification Policy: How to Recertify Cisco Certifications 2024, July

Video: Recertification Policy: How to Recertify Cisco Certifications 2024, July

Recertification can be an effective means of increasing the efficiency of each employee and the enterprise as a whole. But this will happen only if it is not an empty formality. As a result of recertification, an employee can increase his rank or category. Accordingly, his salary is also increasing. The management of the enterprise can evaluate what human resources it has.

You will need

  • - personnel records cards;

  • - personal data on employees:

  • - computer tests in various specialties;

  • - computers with appropriate software;

  • - certification plan.

Instruction manual


Define certification objectives. In many budgetary organizations, neither employees nor managers think about this. Recertification is required by law, and therefore it is carried out. Commercial management decides this issue at its discretion. Formulate the goals of the company, its prospects and objectives. Recertification should fully comply with them. Make a plan and coordinate it with company management.


Consider a certification form. For different categories of employees, it can be different. Production workers can perform, for example, a test task - to grind a part or carry out repair work of the corresponding complexity category. For teachers, open lessons or classes are required. For sellers and service workers, certification can take the form of a business game or a simulation of a situation. Creative workers can develop their project and protect it.


Develop questions for the theoretical part. These may be questions on production technology or safety, depending on the group of workers and the profile of the enterprise. Theoretical exam can be conducted in test mode, using computer technology. Make a questionnaire by offering participants several answers. Workers of some specialties (for example, installers) can be offered tasks that require a creative approach and originality of thinking.


Think about an assessment method. For production workers, a group peer review is most appropriate. The examiners are masters, shop managers and shifts. You can invite independent experts - recognized masters of their craft. The same method is convenient for assessing the qualifications of specialists in the field of IT-technologies.


Explain the need for certification to employees. Focus on why they need it and what benefits they can get. Tell us in what form it will take place and how to prepare. Perform trial theory testing. This is best done ahead of time, especially if the professional responsibilities of employees do not include working with a computer. They need to get comfortable with the new survey methods for them.


Develop a personnel reporting system. These may be, for example, individual leaflets. On each should be written the surname, name and patronymic of the attested, year and place of birth, information on marital status and place of residence. You must specify the TIN and number of the pension certificate. Indicate also data on education, advanced training, promotion, state awards. Some enterprises also indicate the presence of a car and a driver’s license, information about real estate, etc. Enter information on the position and official duties, as well as on previous certifications, on the personal registration card.

  • Certification of teachers
  • How to conduct personnel certification
  • About the certification procedure of doctors