How to conduct a master class at school

How to conduct a master class at school
How to conduct a master class at school

Video: The great Valery Gergyev teaching how to conduct Scriabin (Master Class) Скрябин / Валерий Гергиев 2024, July

Video: The great Valery Gergyev teaching how to conduct Scriabin (Master Class) Скрябин / Валерий Гергиев 2024, July

The master class at the school will be different from the same lesson held for adults. When preparing it, it is especially necessary to precisely determine the age and interests of the audience and, based on this, create a lesson plan.

Instruction manual


Determine for what age children you will conduct a master class. In the school period, in every year of life, the behavior, interests and characteristics of the perception of the child’s information change greatly. Therefore, when developing a lesson, it is important to know if this is an instruction for a fifth grader or a seventh grade student.


Select a theme for the workshop. Take into account the interests and level of development of a specific group of students with whom you will work. Do not duplicate the questions that children have already studied at school and at the same time do not set them too difficult tasks that only older children can do. You can tie the direction of the lesson to the fact that the class recently took place in the classroom, and in the master class give children additional information on this topic.


Think over the style of your performance in front of an audience. Try to adapt the manner of presentation so that it is close to students, but does not copy their jargon completely. Complex terms can be stored in the story and accompanied by a brief explanation so that children can replenish their vocabulary.


Depending on the age of the children, determine the duration of the workshop. The less years a listener has, the more difficult it will be to keep his attention on one type of activity for a long time.


Calculate the percentage of information and practical parts of the master class. Determine how deeply you will study the topic in class. Do not oversimplify information or burden students with information that at this age will not be useful to them.


Prepare supplies for the lesson. You can ask the children to bring everything they need with them, but even then, grab one or two additional sets for the most dispersed.


During the master class, explain each action that must be performed to achieve the goal. Explain to the students not only how, but why you need to do something.


Allow each child to be independent. If you see that he is not succeeding the first time, wait until he makes a few more attempts. Only in case of failure, offer your help.


At the end of the lesson, discuss the results of the master class with the children. Note the merits of each work. Tell us how the acquired skills can be used in life and developed independently.