How to get an interview at a university

How to get an interview at a university
How to get an interview at a university

Video: UNIVERSITY INTERVIEW Questions and Answers (PASS Your Uni Admissions Interview!) 2024, July

Video: UNIVERSITY INTERVIEW Questions and Answers (PASS Your Uni Admissions Interview!) 2024, July

Interviewing is one of the forms of entrance exams at universities. It does not work in all specialties and not in all educational institutions. But the interview can play a crucial role in admission.

Instruction manual


As a rule, all universities now accept USE results upon admission, and at least partially the passing grade is made up of these marks. It is impossible to retake a single state exam in the same year. Therefore, counting on a successful interview, you should not forget about the successful passing of other exams. Moreover, conversations with applicants, as a rule, are the final part of the entrance examinations.


Even having passed all the exams “excellent”, you cannot be sure of your enrollment, as the interview has not yet passed. It can significantly lower the overall score, but it can, and vice versa, lead you to the front ranks. It happens that school honors “fail” the interview, because it involves skills that are not particularly developed in ordinary schools: sociability, out-of-the-box thinking, and the ability to quickly “grasp” the situation.


Before the interview, do not be lazy, find students of your chosen specialty who have passed exams before you (preferably, a year earlier). Ask them to remember the questions, the course of the conversation, some features. The range of interview topics can be discussed at the university in advance. Ponder on these topics, read what they write about it in the news, in modern research. Examiners here will be important not so much knowledge (you showed them in written tests), how much your interest in the specialty, whether you follow the latest developments in it, whether you are engaged in its study.


And, of course, there are general recommendations that will help you get an interview not only at the university, but also, for example, when applying for a job.

Keep straight, be sure (but not self-confident). Look into the eyes of the examiner, but not defiantly, but in a friendly manner. Smile Watch your speech: it should be even, voice - confident, not trembling. Do not try to answer questions immediately, take some time to think, this is completely normal. Do not try to get away from the topic if you do not know the exact answer. Try to solve the problem logically. And do not try to convince the commission that in fact you are a profound expert in this field. You can only mention in passing something that interests you; maybe you yourself were engaged in research of any issue in your specialty, - unobtrusively report it.

Useful advice

Before the interview, practice your speech by speaking tongue twisters. Try to calm down the excitement: drink a glass of water, take a few deep breaths.

how are exams at universities