How to take a student to practice

How to take a student to practice
How to take a student to practice

Video: Students' Underutilized Secret Weapon | Practice Questions & Practice Tests 2024, July

Video: Students' Underutilized Secret Weapon | Practice Questions & Practice Tests 2024, July

The first field trip for a student is a major event in his professional biography. And it depends on managers a lot what will be the attitude of a novice specialist to his work and the profession as a whole.

You will need

  • - student;

  • - a plan for conducting practical training.

Instruction manual


If you have to accept a student for practical training, then you have a great opportunity to share experience and try yourself as a leader. Get to know the trainee, during the conversation, evaluate the level of his knowledge. This will help you develop a strategy for future collaboration.


All students can conditionally be divided into two large categories. The first includes excellent students with a large amount of theoretical knowledge. They do an excellent job with paperwork and other paperwork. The second type of trainees is people with relatively little theoretical baggage, but flexible thinking. They will quickly figure out what to do in an unusual situation.


In the first days of practice, give the student simple, one-type tasks performed on the model. This will avoid failures at the initial stage and strengthen the student’s faith in their own strengths.


Do not control every step of your ward, otherwise he will have the impression that you can not entrust him with anything. But throwing things to chance is also not worth it. The trainee should not feel that they have forgotten about him, this may deprive him of an incentive to work productively.


It will be very good if you teach the student to do an oral report on the work done at the end of each day. You should not do it too officially, but the trainee should feel fair control on your part. This disciplines him and you.


Correctly inform the student about the results of his work, explain what his mistakes are. But focus on what he succeeded in. Otherwise, from constant criticism, a person may consider himself incapable of performing this "overwhelming" work.


When a beginner has noticeably mastered, trust him in a really serious job, because he came to you to study a profession, and not to shift papers and make coffee.

Take a look at the dynamics of his professional growth. Perhaps it makes sense after studies to invite him to a permanent job.
