How to teach a pedagogical lesson

How to teach a pedagogical lesson
How to teach a pedagogical lesson

Video: What is Pedagogy? | 4 Essential Learning Theories | Satchel 2024, July

Video: What is Pedagogy? | 4 Essential Learning Theories | Satchel 2024, July

From the teacher’s ability to interestingly and easily teach the material in the lesson, the performance of his students depends. Therefore, he needs to strive to build training in an optimal way, including in it the study of new material, and the consolidation of the past.

Instruction manual


Define the topic of the lesson. It should be clearly formulated, connected with previous lessons and harmoniously fit into the process of studying a particular subject.


Choose the material that you will use in preparing for the lesson. Among the sources of information may be manuals, books, textbooks, magazines, Internet sites. Training videos can also come in handy. In addition to the preparatory phase, they can be used directly in the lesson.


Make assignments for students. They should help them learn new material and learn how to apply the knowledge gained. Keep in mind that assignments must become more complex with the course of the lesson.


Look for interesting facts about the topic of your lesson. They will add a twist and interest to the students. Tell a story related to the subject.


Think homework. It should simultaneously include the elements studied in the classroom, and force students to develop their creative thinking.


Make a lesson plan. Make sure that the feed of the new material alternates with its fastening. To maintain energy at the level, interleave the blocks in which you are a lecturer and suggesting a lot of activity for children.


Ensure that all students participate in discussions and assignments. Eye contact with children will help you determine who works productively and who does not want to delve into or does not understand something.


Use a board and handouts. Pupils will better learn the material if, in addition to the audio channel of perception, they include the visual. Important points should be dictated.


Keep track of discipline. Excessive noise will disturb students. Therefore, do not allow several people to speak in the classroom at the same time.