How to enter university after college

How to enter university after college
How to enter university after college

After the end of the ninth grade, some students decide to continue their education at a secondary specialized educational institution (secondary school). There, they not only master the general school course, but also receive a profession. And after a college or college, his graduate also has the opportunity to go to college.

You will need

  • - diploma of completion of vocational school;

  • - certificate of passing the exam;

  • - photos.

Instruction manual


Select a specialty and university for admission. Some universities provide college graduates, for example, in economic specialties, the opportunity to study under the reduced program. It is usually 3 or 3.5 years and is reduced due to subjects and disciplines that graduate students of colleges studied previously. In this case, the university usually provides an opportunity to enter without passing the exam, according to its internal entrance tests or even just after an interview.


If you want to radically change your specialty, then you will need to enter a full training program. To do this, first pass the exam in the subjects that your university requires. Graduate students usually participate in exams in June, later than students. Testing is carried out on the basis of various universities. You can find out about the places for the exam in the selection committee of your university.


Having passed the exam for the maximum possible score for you, apply to the university. You can choose a maximum of five specialties at three universities and send them or personally transfer to the admissions office staff copies of your certificate of passing the exam and the diploma of college.


Wait for the results of the enrollment process to be announced. Universities usually publish orders on recommendations for enrollment in early August. If you find yourself in the appropriate list, send the originals of your documents to the selection committee. Keep in mind that most universities have two waves of enrollment. The first enrollment is offered to people who scored the maximum number of points, the second - the remaining places are allocated if applicants who have passed in the first wave have left to study in another place. Therefore, you still have a chance, even if your name is not in the first enrollment order.


At the moment, graduates of colleges are deprived of an important opportunity to increase their chances for admission, which students have - participation in olympiads. Therefore, it is important for people who graduate from colleges and technical schools to pass the exam as best as possible.