How to enroll at Harvard University

How to enroll at Harvard University
How to enroll at Harvard University

Video: How to Get Into Harvard (7 Things to Consider When Applying) 2024, July

Video: How to Get Into Harvard (7 Things to Consider When Applying) 2024, July

Harvard University is one of the most prestigious universities in the United States of America and around the world. Harvard, founded back in 1636, is located in the town of Cambridge in the state of Massachusetts. Harvard University students receive a high-quality education, which is appreciated throughout the world. But what needs to be done in order to enter Harvard University ?

Instruction manual


Enrolling at Harvard University is quite difficult, even if you are not experiencing financial problems and are willing to pay for your tuition. The competition for one academic place is quite high - out of more than 30, 000 applications, experienced teachers select only 1-2 thousand. It should be noted that the set of documents that is handed over to the selection committee is considered separately by two teachers who select standing candidates for students.


So, what documents do you need in order to enter Harvard University ? First of all, you need to provide the results of the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) test, which is a school assessment test. SAT is in many ways similar to our Unified State Exam, which is taken at the end of high school. It includes three sections: mathematics, text analysis and writing. Instead of SAT, you can take the ACT (American College Testing) exam, which includes topics such as mathematics, English, reading, and specific sciences.


In order to enter a certain faculty of Harvard University (students are invited to choose from 11 academic departments), it is necessary to successfully pass three SAT II profile tests. These tests show how well the student is familiar with the chosen specialty. In addition, you will need to provide the admissions committee with a certificate for high school with grades in subjects. If you are unable to obtain such a certificate, the commission will accept the results of the GRE test. In addition, the applicant must provide the admissions committee with letters of recommendation from 2-3 teachers who are well acquainted with the candidate and his scientific activities.


In addition to all of the above documents, we also recommend that you provide to the selection committee any evidence of your social activity and scientific activity. Teachers really appreciate the applicants who took part in competitions, international programs, internships. The experience of volunteering is also appreciated.

Useful advice

1) The required set of documents includes the results of the SAT / ACT test, letters of recommendation, a certificate for secondary school with grades and the results of three specialized tests.

2) Attach to the set of documents all your letters, certificates and evidence of social activities.

3) Harvard University is a private institution, so tuition is paid.