How to enter a doctoral program

How to enter a doctoral program
How to enter a doctoral program

Video: How to Apply to Doctoral Programs (Updated 2020) 2024, July

Video: How to Apply to Doctoral Programs (Updated 2020) 2024, July

Many people finish their studies in the last courses of the university, having received a specialist diploma. Some of the graduates do not stop there and go to graduate school for the degree of candidate of sciences. The next step is doctoral studies. There are some nuances that should be considered when entering it.

You will need

Ph.D. degree, published articles / monograph, recommendations from the department.

Instruction manual


Get a Ph.D. Without it, you cannot enter a doctoral program. You can get a degree in several ways: by graduating from graduate school or by doing a job. The first option involves full-time or distance learning at a university for 3-5 years. The second option, which does not require a visit to the university, is to attach you to the relevant department. What unites them is that you will need to write a dissertation and publish a series of articles or a monograph.


Select the scientific organization or university you intend to enter. It may be the university in which you studied, graduated from graduate school, worked. The main thing is that his profile matches the theme of your dissertation. Please note that doctoral studies are carried out both at the expense of the federal budget and on a contract basis.


Collect all the necessary documents for admission. Most often, universities require an application for admission to doctoral studies addressed to the rector of the university; certificate of employment; 5x6 photos; a copy of a diploma of awarding a scientific degree; copy of identity document. To all these documents you must attach a detailed plan of your doctoral dissertation, a list of already published works and a calendar work plan. Separately, extracts from the minutes of the department’s meetings with the recommendations of your candidacy as a doctoral candidate are accepted.


Provide personally to the selection committee the original document confirming the degree of candidate of sciences, and a passport.


Take all documents to the selection committee in the period appointed by the university. Most often, doctoral studies are carried out in early autumn - from September to October.


Wait for the order of your enrollment. After that, you will receive doctoral studies for 3 years full-time. At the end of your studies, you must submit a doctoral dissertation, which will give you the right to award you a doctorate.