How to enter graduate school at Moscow State University

How to enter graduate school at Moscow State University
How to enter graduate school at Moscow State University

Video: Foreigners about education in Russia | Is it hard to study in a Russian university? 2024, July

Video: Foreigners about education in Russia | Is it hard to study in a Russian university? 2024, July

Admission to graduate school is an important step in the life of each student. After all, this is an additional chance to learn a lot of new things, to increase the level of one’s own education and to bring one’s own inventions to science. Graduate School of Moscow State University is one of the best material and technical bases in the whole country. And the status of a graduate student who graduated from Moscow State University is quite significant.

You will need

  • - copies of a diploma of higher professional education with the application;

  • - personal sheet for personnel records;

  • - autobiography;

  • - extract from the minutes of the meeting of the academic council;

  • - characteristic recommendation from the place of work;

  • - a copy of the work book;

  • - medical certificate;

  • - Form 2.2, for persons who have passed candidate exams;

  • - A list of published scientific papers (if any).

Instruction manual


You can enter the graduate school of Moscow State University only if your age does not exceed 35 years. You must also have completed higher education and work experience in your specialty for at least 2 years. Moreover, this period is considered from the moment you graduate from a higher educational institution. If, while still studying, you dreamed of becoming a graduate student, then you can try to enroll immediately after graduation. This will help you collected recommendations of academic councils of university departments. But they will give you these recommendations only if during your studies you showed your abilities and desire to study science.


If you are suitable for postgraduate studies in all respects, then collect documents. To enter the graduate school of Moscow State University, you will need an application for admission, a copy of the diploma, a personal sheet from the personnel department, an autobiography, a job description, a copy of the work book or employment contracts, a medical certificate, a list of published scientific papers (for those who immediately apply for graduation) and an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Academic Council (also for those who enter immediately after completing basic education in their specialty). Take your passport and original diploma with you to apply. Submission of documents under the internal decree of the university is from July 1 to August 15.


After you pass the documents, you will need to pass the entrance exams. For postgraduate studies at Moscow State University, they were specially developed taking into account the volume of existing university programs. The list of required exams includes: a test in a special discipline, an exam in philosophy, a foreign language. Dates for examinations are from September 6 to 21. Please note that retaking exams is not permitted. Therefore, you have only one chance during this period to become a graduate student. You can only use your next attempt to enter after a year.


As for the reorganization moments, then you are supposed to take additional leave at work for the time you pass the exams. Its duration is 30 days. In this case, you must save wages. If you are not a Muscovite and you have nowhere to live, then you should know that for the time of entrance examinations for nonresident candidates for graduate students, Moscow State University provides hostels.


Enrolled in graduate school on October 1. The term of study in full-time postgraduate study is 3 years, and in correspondence - 4.

Official site of Moscow State University