How to enter the vocal department

How to enter the vocal department
How to enter the vocal department

Video: Transform Your ENTIRE Music Ministry - SERIES ONE 2024, July

Video: Transform Your ENTIRE Music Ministry - SERIES ONE 2024, July

If you want to become a professional singer, both opera and pop, you need to get a special education. This can be done at the vocal department of various music educational institutions.

You will need

  • - certificate of graduation;

  • - a document on primary or secondary musical education;

  • - certificate of passing the exam or GIA.

Instruction manual


Find out if you meet the requirements for applicants for admission to vocal specialties. You must be at least eighteen years old, because at an earlier age the voice is not yet fully formed. In rare cases, if unique data are available, an exception may be made for persons over the age of seventeen. You should also have a musical education that corresponds to at least the full course of the children's music school in vocal class.


For admission to the conservatory, the requirements are even higher - you need to have training at the level of a music school or a secondary special music school. But for those who do not have enough training, but have exceptional talent, many educational institutions provide preparatory courses. They are designed for up to two years. A phoning examination is also required to determine if your voice is able to withstand the stresses of training and subsequent professional activities.


Choose an educational institution where you would like to receive education. It can be either a music school or a conservatory. In the latter case, the requirements for applicants are much higher. Also determine which specific specialty you are interested in. In addition to general training in classical vocals, you can get a special education in the field of pop or folk singing. There is also special training for choristers.


Submit documents to your chosen institution. Keep in mind that even if you live far from your place of study, you will need to come for exams in person. The package of documents should contain your certificate of graduation, documents on obtaining a musical education, as well as diplomas and other awards received at various competitions of performers.


Pass exams for admission. In addition to the specialty, you will need to demonstrate your knowledge in solfeggio and musical literacy.

vocal education