How to enter the theater

How to enter the theater
How to enter the theater

Video: How to Enter Doris Fletcher's Theater | Find an Access to the Theater | Grand Guignol, Vampyr 2024, July

Video: How to Enter Doris Fletcher's Theater | Find an Access to the Theater | Grand Guignol, Vampyr 2024, July

The profession of an artist until the second half of the last century was considered not only prestigious, but often even shameful. Representatives of bohemia received extremely little for their labors. Today, this profession is considered profitable and honorable, and many young people who want recognition, fame and money dream of joining it. Therefore, among those entering the theater universities there are many people who are not mentally prepared to work in the field of this profession. If your intention to become a theater actor is serious, start preparing for admission in advance.

Instruction manual


Decide what exactly you want to do: performing activities (actor), directing or related work (sound engineering, theatrical clothing design, theater studies

) Determine even more precisely: whether you want to play on stage or to act in films.


Choose the university you want to enroll in, sign up for preparatory courses. Learn the admission requirements. As a rule, in addition to general university standards (Russian language, literature, possibly history), there is a special set: acting (a poem, a fable and a passage of prose by heart, a sketch or a sketch) and a colloquium. Learn these passages so that at the request of the teacher to read backwards, across the line and diagonally - in a word, achieve great freedom in the presentation of the selected texts.


Submit documents and pass entrance exams at once to several universities, concentrating the main forces where you want to go. Imagine the same program everywhere.


Many applicants enter the desired faculties from the second, third, or even fifth attempt. If you did not get into the first year, do not give up, get ready for the next appointment.

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