How to apply for a photographer

How to apply for a photographer
How to apply for a photographer

Video: How I Found A Long Term Photography Job 2024, July

Video: How I Found A Long Term Photography Job 2024, July

As you know, any profession consists of ten percent of talent and ninety percent of labor. If you want to get the profession of a photographer not only for the sake of a diploma, you will have to work hard. The main thing is your desire to learn. Always carry a camera with you, and you can make successful and interesting shots.

You will need

- digital SLR camera.

Instruction manual


Choose a place to start where you would like to study. Departments for teaching photography exist at the VGIK College of Cinema, Television and Multimedia, the Humanitarian College of the Russian State Technical University, the College of Automation and Information Technology No. 20, the Polytechnic College of the Moscow City Council, etc. and this is only in Moscow. There are also branches of these institutions in other cities of Russia.


Remember that you can enter the profession of a photographer after nine classes and after eleven classes. In the first case, your training will last two years and ten months, and in the second - a year and ten months.


Specify which disciplines you need to prepare in order to pass the entrance exams at the exact institution you have chosen. For example, applicants to the Polytechnic College. The Moscow City Council used to hand over chemistry and the Russian language. Now the result of both exams depends on how you wrote these disciplines on the exam. If you chose the College of Automation and Information Technology, then the results of a single exam in two disciplines are required here: the Russian language and mathematics. In addition, applicants provide a set of photographs taken with their own hands and are being interviewed.


Provide the commission with at least twenty photos that are made in different styles (still life, portrait, landscape), if you want to go to VGIK. Exams are held in several stages, and before they begin, all applicants take part in a creative competition. After passing it, everyone is allowed to exams. If you pass this level, it remains for you to present the results of the exam in the Russian language. The last test is evaluated on the basis of the classification system, so even if you have a satisfactory mark in the Russian language, you will be a student.


Buy a digital SLR camera, you will need it throughout the entire learning process. If you don’t know which device to choose, consult your course teacher for advice.

Useful advice

Prepare a portfolio with your work. Before entering, you can attend paid courses.

what exams to take on a specialty