How to build a lecture

How to build a lecture
How to build a lecture

Video: Presentation tips for teachers (Never give a boring lecture again!) TEDxOsaka 2024, July

Video: Presentation tips for teachers (Never give a boring lecture again!) TEDxOsaka 2024, July

Teachers can be conditionally divided into two categories: some want to convey knowledge to the students, others just conduct classes. The former are distinguished by the fact that they sincerely want to interest students in their subject. But knowledge alone is not enough.

You will need

Books, abstracts.

Instruction manual


Write down the details that relate to the subject of the lecture.


Arrange the information in a logical order. Build any topic from the simple to the complex.


Leave only important points in the notes. This must be done because The format of the lecture is limited by time.


Prepare an explanation on the fingers for each item. Ideally, a first grader should understand you. Find examples of everyday life. The union of molecules can be compared with the union of a man and a woman; in the works of Lomonosov find a connection with the present day, etc.


Be informal; plan students to attend lectures. For example, in the methodology of teaching literature there is an interesting technique. Considering the work of some author, one can ask the question: "What do you associate the name of this author with?" By managing the discussion, the teacher can reach the desired starting point. As a result, students are involved in a dialogue, which is 50% success. You can come up with similar techniques yourself or find them in the methodological literature.


Prepare the introduction and conclusion of the lecture. In the introduction it is necessary to say about the importance of the subject, in conclusion - to take stock.


Diversify the format of the event. Arrange lectures in nature, in the hall of the institute or in another unexpected place. This will certainly interest students and make them listen. The only thing to consider is how justified is the rejection of a traditional audience. If not justified, it is better not to experiment, otherwise the curiosity of students will quickly disappear.


Make the lecture interesting. If from year to year you say the same things, any, even the most fascinating material will get tired, therefore, you will not be able to interest students. Therefore, come up with new examples, follow the development of science, deliver news to listeners.

Useful advice

To conduct a good hour and a half lesson, you need to prepare for three, and maybe four and a half hours. In the future, you will read this lecture for other students and less time will be required for preparation.

methodology for preparing and conducting lectures