How to get a second higher education for free

How to get a second higher education for free
How to get a second higher education for free

According to statistics, the number of people who want to get a second higher education is only growing annually. And this is not due to a general craving for knowledge, but to the harsh demands of reality. One lacks certain knowledge to move up the career ladder, while the other does not need to change jobs to more prestigious ones. Having decided on the direction, another question arises: "Is it possible to get a second higher education for free?"

You will need

  • - diploma of incomplete higher education;

  • or

  • - diploma of military education;

  • or

  • - bachelor or specialist diploma

Instruction manual


Feel free to submit documents to budget places if your first higher education is military. According to the law, in this case, citizens who have served under the contract, left the reserve or are able to complete (or incomplete) higher military education have free education.


Get two undergraduate diplomas. Issue it upon completion of a biennial student. It is believed that during this period he can get enough knowledge to work in the chosen specialty.


Complete a specialty (or undergraduate) and graduate studies. Today, reform in the education system leads to the fact that the specialty is almost eliminated. His place is taken by a bachelor's degree. However, this does not interfere with graduating from an institute and enrolling in a magistracy at budgetary places. Which in the end will bring another higher education to your piggy bank.


Go to a foreign university. It is quite realistic to get a budget place in one of the "foreign" higher education institutions, it will only be necessary to prove to the admissions committee that you are worthy of it. Since a grant for education is given, alas, not to everyone.


If your first higher education is military, the second time, albeit for free, you will have to study for five years, instead of the prescribed three.

Keep in mind that a diploma of incomplete higher education and an academic certificate of study at a university are two completely different documents.

The term of study at the bachelor's degree is 4 years, and in the magistracy - 2.

Getting a second higher education abroad cannot be considered free, even if you get a budget place at the university. After all, you have to pay a lot of money to buy tickets, pay for accommodation and visas. On the other hand, upon graduation, you can get a prestigious job in a leading company.

getting a second higher