How to sign a report

How to sign a report
How to sign a report

Video: How to sign Audit Report in PDF with Digital Signature 2024, July

Video: How to sign Audit Report in PDF with Digital Signature 2024, July

The scientific report must be drawn up strictly in accordance with the existing GOST and ESKD rules governing the preparation of text documents. How to draw up and sign a report according to the current rules?

Instruction manual


Please note that the size of any report should not exceed 6 A4 pages prepared in MS Word (Times New Roman font, 12 pt.) Excluding the title page. Text boundaries: on the left - 3 cm, on the right - 1, 5, above and below - 2 cm.


Pay special attention to the design of the title page of the report. The first line at the top is the name of the ministry that oversees the study (Times New Roman font, 14 point, bold, all letters are uppercase, text alignment is centered). Skip the line (font Times New Roman, 12 pt). The second is the name of the organization (university, research institute): font Times New Roman, 14 pt, all letters are uppercase, alignment is centered. Make another line skip (Times New Roman font, 12 pt).


Indicate on the title page the name of the authors of the report in alphabetical order according to the first letter of the last name as follows: first name, middle name (initials), last name. Font - Times New Roman, 14 pt., Without indentation. Alignment is centered.


Edit the text of the report in accordance with the requirements of the current GOST. These requirements are as follows:

- font Times New Roman 12 size, alignment - width;

- indent paragraph - 1.25 cm;

- single line spacing;

- automatic hyphenation;

- formulas are executed in MS Equation (font Times New Roman, 12 pt: Cyrillic - regular, Latin - only italics);

- black and white illustrations (using the font Arial, 10-12 size or Times New Roman, 12-14 size);

- tables are executed using MS Office tools (font or Times New Roman, 12-14 pt);

- All references to sources are made in square brackets.


When making illustrations and tables in the text, avoid inaccuracies. The resolution of raster images should be at least 300 dpi. Paste scanned images is not allowed. Do not forget to indicate in the text of the report links to illustrative material with the number and name of the figure or table (numbering is through, only in Arabic numerals).


Make a list of used literature in accordance with GOST:

- if this is a book: surname, initials of the author (period), name (period), place of publication (colon), name of publishing house (comma), year of publication (period), total number of pages;

- if it is a journal article: surname, initials of the author (dot), full title of the article (double slash), name of the journal (dot), year of issue (dot), issue number (dot), pages;

- if this is a dissertation: last name, initials of the author (period), full name of the dissertation (colon), diss. (or author's abstract) for a competition. scientist step. Cand. or Dr. (specifying specialization) of sciences (one slash), university (period), city (comma), year of protection (period), number of pages.